Category: Colleagues
Adopting a translanguaging pedagogy can be an act of resistance
Check out Dr. Liz’ Mahon’s latest piece about translanguaging for the CIRCA website (Colorado Council for International Reading Association). Little Roja Riding Hood: Translanguaging texts for k-8 classroom
Upcoming Research Development Faculty Seminars
Research Development Faculty Seminars Know Your Agency Lunch: Department of Education September 25, 2019 12:00pm – 1:30pm Location: Lawrence St. Center, Rm 600 Faculty Experts: Ritu Chopra, Executive Director, The Paraprofessional Research and Resource Center & Project Director, NxtGEN Teachers, Teacher Quality Partnerships Project; Barbara Seidl, Associate Dean of Teacher Education and Undergraduate Experiences,…
ASPIRE to Teach alumni is the featured artist this month at the Gunnison Arts Council
Nate Motsinger, an ASPIRE to Teach alumni, is the featured artist this month at the Gunnison Arts Council. His big, vivid, and colorful art fills the main gallery through the end of September. Nate is a K-12 art teacher in Lake City, Colo., and earned his alternative teaching license through ASPIRE in 2018. He is…
Our EdD program’s higher education concentration is featured in Diverse Issues in Higher Education
CU Denver Leadership Focuses on Training Diverse Leaders Officials at CU Denver say that they have been intentional about boosting their underrepresented student populations. With Engelke’s support, they have focused their attention on creating new academic programs centered on access, equity and social justice. Last year, Dr. Linda Bowman spearheaded the launch of a new…
Margarita Bianco will be keynote speaker at National Network for Education Renewal Conference
Everyday and across the United States, NNER members operate on four fundamental beliefs. 1. We are all responsible for the improving the realities of our schools, universities, and communities. 2. We believe that all students, regardless of race, poverty, geography, or any other circumstance, deserve equal access to high quality learning and enriching life experiences. 3. We believe deep, enduring…
Complicated language excludes parents from the IEP process. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Brenna Aversano, currently a third-year doctoral student at SEHD, wrote this article featured in Chalkbeat Colorado about parent involvement in IEPs. []
Congrats Dr. Michael Barla!
Dr. Michael Barla was selected as a member of the Early Childhood Personnel Center & Division for Early Childhood’s Institutes of Higher Education Leadership Co-Hort 2. He will attend the ECPC/DEC Pre-conference Leadership Summit in October at the DEC International Conference in Dallas. This day will bring together those who are leaders/emerging leaders in their…
Dr. Elizabeth A. Steed awarded a 9-month Fulbright Scholar award
Dr. Elizabeth A. Steed was awarded a 9-month Fulbright Scholar award from the U.S. State Department to go to the Republic of Georgia for her sabbatical in the 2019-2020 academic year. Elizabeth will travel to the Republic of Georgia with her husband and family and live in Tbilisi, the capital city from August 2019 until…
Congratulations to Dennis Debay
Congratulations! Promotion to Clinical Assistant Professor, Dr. Dennis DeBay
Dean Kantor interviewed on Denver7 (ABC) about the need for more teachers in rural areas
DENVER – On this week’s Politics Unplugged, CU Denver School of Education Dean Rebecca Kantor discusses the efforts to recruit and hire more teachers – particularly in rural parts of Colorado. [Check out the full story here!]