Category: Meetings

  • MINUTES: Curriculum Committee 3-2-15

    Curriculum Committee Minutes March 2, 2015 Members: Joni Dunlap Heather Johnson – unable to attend Jarrod Hanson Nancy Shanklin Scott Schaefle Staff: Shakira Anderson – Recorder Deserae Frisk GENERAL BUSINESS & REVIEW/DISCUSSIONS: COURSE PROPOSAL/REVISION REQUESTS: Status                                                 Proposal                                            Requestor Pending                                        HDFR New Courses                                  Janine and Ruben HDFR 3002 – Professional Dev in HDFR…

  • Minutes: Faculty Meeting 9.24.14

    SEHD Faculty & Staff Meeting Wednesday, 9/24/14, 8:45 am* – 12:00 pm CPE/EDU Space @ Denver Place, 999 18th Street Welcome: Dean Rebecca Kantor Dean Kantor called the meeting to order at 9:32 AM and welcomed everyone to the new EDU space Dean Kantor gave an update on various projects/initiatives she’s been working on and…

  • Minutes: Diversity Committee March 2, 2015

    Diversity Committee Meeting Minutes – March 2, 2015 Members present: Aswad Allen, Edward Cannon, Nancy Commins, Antwan Jefferson, Lori Ryan Agenda (What does a welcoming, productive, affirming community look/feel/sound like…?) I. Information-sharing habits How can the DC support faculty/staff sharing habits related to the work that faculty and staff members are doing related to “advancing…

  • MINUTES: Student Committee Meeting 3-2-15

    Student Committee Work 2014-2015 Year These are the notes and decisions from the March 2nd 2015 meeting.  Meeting attendees included: Kara Viesca, Suzanne Adams, Sandy Snyder-Mondragon, and Elizabeth Steed (remotely). We plan to report to Faculty on April 29th in the retreat the following in formation. (We have requested 15 minutes to report on the…

  • Minutes: Quarterly Staff Meeting 2.24.15

    SEHD Quarterly Staff Meeting Tuesday, February 24 from 11:30-1p.m. Location: Lawrence Street Center 1150 Attendance: Agena, Anderson, Burrows, Carroll, Clark, Coon, Cornelius, Cummings, Detrie, Emerson, Haug, Hines, Hurt, Kelm, Levy, Linenberger, Lopez, Nimer, Schell, Snyder-Mondragon, Frisk, Harn, Halliday, Zion, Navarro-Gomez, Madera, Ponton, Sarcedo, Hallett, Riepe, Ball, Gallegos What’s New with the SAC Employee Recognition Committee…

  • MINUTES: Curriculum Committee 2-16-15

    Curriculum Committee Minutes February 16, 2015 Members: Joni Dunlap Heather Johnson Jarrod Hanson Nancy Shanklin Scott Schaefle – not in attendance   Staff: Shakira Anderson – Recorder Deserae Frisk – not in attendance   Meeting held via Zoom GENERAL BUSINESS & REVIEW/DISCUSSIONS:   10:00 am – 10:30 am   Forms are now housed on SEHD…

  • Agenda: Faculty Meeting 02.25.15

    CU Open which is a new program level Canvas platform.  It allows you to set up a program year space  for your students to create community, communicate to the group, etc.  Crystal Gasell from CUOnline will demonstrate. The DigitalCommons (bePress) is a sophisticated platform for sharing research, scholarship, partnership projects on an individual basis for faculty…

  • Diversity Committee Minutes January 13, 2015

    1/13/2015 Diversity Committee (Lori, Nancy, Edward, Aswad, Jung-in, Antwan) Agenda/Minutes I. Focus: January 28 Faculty Meeting – time: 20-30 minutes The SEHD Vision (NOW – Spring, 2015) “What does a welcoming, productive, affirming community look, feel, and sound like…?” • Aswad/Nancy: For this experience we need people to mix-up; count off 1-6 o Frame: (open…

  • Diversity Committee Minutes February 2, 2015

    Diversity Committee Meeting Minutes February 2, 2015 The following committee members were present: Edward Cannon, Jung-In Kim, Aswad Allen Faculty Responses: Note Cards: 1. Integration of programs between undergraduate and graduate, between ELE, ELSE, and SPED. Co-teaching, shared advising, shared mentoring, shared field supervision. 2. I will spend some time in the new space for…

  • Reading Partners: Literacy Intervention Volunteer Opportunity for Students

    Do you want to inspire young readers? Reading Partners empowers you to make a real difference by tutoring students from low-income communities who are reading 6 months to 2.5 years below grade-level. No prior experience is required. Teach fundamental reading skills using our easy-to-follow curriculum, and inspire a love of reading in a student. Tutoring takes…