HR Tip: Additional paid day off July 3, 2023 and campus is OPEN

Dear colleagues,  

A recent email communication from Antonio Farias announced that Governor Polis has granted state employees an additional administrative day for Monday, July 3. You may need to check your junk or other email folders to find it, and the message is also available online here: Email from Antonio Farias on June 9, 2023. 

Faculty and staff who are eligible for holidays will be granted administrative time off to mark this holiday. If you are not teaching or don’t need to be on campus on July 3rd, you should take your administrative day on July 3rd. If you have already recorded Vacation for this day, please delete that Vacation time and record Administrative Leave instead. In your MyLeave calendar, please manually log the time as Administrative Leave and use a description of July 3rd Governor Administrative Leave.  

If you are teaching or do need to be on campus on July 3rd, please check in with your supervisor to discuss using this administrative day prior to June 30, 2024. When you record the day in MyLeave, use the same code and notes above. 

With any questions, please reach out to your SEHD HR team: