Tag: HR Tip
Outside Consultation, Research, and Other work? Please submit a Prior Approval Form
To Full-Time Faculty This is just a reminder that if you will be performing any outside consultation, research, clinical or other work outside of the University of Colorado system up to 1/6th of your time & effort, you will need to complete and submit a request for prior approval. You can find the latest form…
2023-2024 Performance Evaluations – University Staff done & Faculty coming up soon
Dear colleagues, thank you for your partnership in completing the University Staff Performance Evaluations for the 2023-2024 time period. It’s a busy time of year and your investment of time is appreciated. If you have also turned in a sheet with your goals for the 2024-2025 period, thank you! If not, please be working on that…
Leave Certification, August 2024
Guided by the Board of Regents Policy, the University of Colorado requires all leave-eligible employees who use My Leave and other time tracking systems to verify the accuracy of their sick and vacation leave after the close of the fiscal year to ensure all vacation and sick leave balances are accurate. This year’s Leave Certification…
Reminder- Faculty contract payment elections can be made in the employee portal until July 12, 2024
Dear faculty members: The contract selection period for the 2024-25 academic year is closing soon. If you would like to change your election from 9-pay-9 to 9-pay-12 or vice versa, the election form will be available in the UCD Access Portal from May 1 – July 12, 2024. If you do not choose a schedule, it will…
HR Tip- Faculty contract payment elections can be made in the employee portal until July 12, 2024
Dear faculty members: The contract selection period for the 2024-25 academic year is now open. If you would like to change your election from 9-pay-9 to 9-pay-12 or vice versa, the election form will be available in the UCD Access Portal from May 1 – July 12, 2024. If you do not choose a schedule, it will…
HR Tip- Deadline for benefits open enrollment is 5pm Friday, May 10, 2024
Dear Colleagues, just a reminder that the open enrollment period for benefits ends in about a week, at 5 p.m. on Friday May 10th. Here are a few quick things to know: Passive enrollment: If you would like to keep the same benefit choices, no action is required and you will be automatically re-enrolled. If…
HR Tip- Lecturer summer contracts for 2024 are coming soon
Dear Lecturers and Graduate Part-Time Instructors: Summer contracts will be coming out soon (early to mid-May). Just a reminder that summer pay is prorated for under-enrolled courses that have not been canceled for both main campus courses and extended studies courses. The SEHD Lecturer Handbook is available online. With any questions, please contact your…
Reminder of April deadline for Summer and Fall Lecturer new hire credential review
Dear Program Leaders, This is just a reminder about Curriculum Committee Deadline Requirements: To ensure that the Curriculum Committee has time to review the credentials for each new Lecturer or GPTI before the start of classes, please use the following deadline dates to help you plan ahead for the hiring process: Teaching in Summer or…
Get Ready for Open Enrollment 2024-2025 Benefits: April 22nd to May 10th
Open enrollment for the University of Colorado for the 2024-25 plan year will open on April 22nd and run through May 10th. You will be able to select your benefits for the upcoming plan year, which begins July 1st. This is a great time to reflect on your current medical, dental, vision and additional benefits…
2023-2024 University Staff Mid-Year Performance Checks & End of Performance Cycle
Dear staff and supervisors who complete University Staff, PRA and/or Rural Instructor* performance evaluations: The current performance evaluation period ends June 30, 2024. If you have not done a mid-year check in yet, it’s still the beginning of April and we encourage you to work through the mid-year resources in your Performance Evaluation tool. More…