Category: Colleagues
Julia Mahfouz and EdD Students Susan Davis and Melissa Lettis Featured in Education Week
Nov. 7, 2022 – “Effective SEL can be consolidated into one concept, and that is implementing SEL systematically across all the schools and the district rather than just within the classroom,” said Julia Mahfouz, an educational leadership professor at the University of Colorado Denver. Click here to read the article: Make SEL Work by Applying These 6…
Robert (Bud) Talbot Invited to Speak at University of Connecticut Event
The title of the workshop is Active Learning and Student Engagement in Large Lecture STEM Classes: lessons learned and findings from a decade of research and teaching. Dr. Talbot will share results from decades of research that inform innovative approaches to teaching large STEM courses. Introductory science courses are often taught in a large lecture…
Tips for Creating Accessible Materials Using APA Format
“The APA Style team worked with accessibility experts at David Berman Communications to ensure that APA Style guidelines as presented in the Publication Manual (7th ed.) are compliant with Web Content and Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA standards. Our style guidelines have been developed to address the needs of users worldwide who access works in APA Style in…
Ester de Jong and Adriana Alvarez to Present at La Cosecha Dual Language Conference
Dr. Ester de Jong will be the opening keynote at La Cosecha Dual Language Conference this week in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The title of her keynote presentation is “Sustaining Alternative Discourses: Multilingualism, Equity and Justice.” Dr. Alvarez will be sharing her presentation, “Using a Cancionero to Develop Early Biliteracy Skills.” The conference runs from…
Cristina Gillanders awarded 5-year grant from US Department of Education
Cristina Gillanders, Associate Professor in Early Childhood Education was awarded in conjunction with Dr. Dina Castro from Boston University a National Professional Development Program 5-year $2,868,044 grant from the Office of English Language Acquisition, US Department of Education. The project will provide a 2-year professional development, developed from the research-based Nuestros Niños Program (NNP), to prekindergarten lead…
Dr. Geneva Sarcedo’s dissertation research being used in CETL Community of Practice
The Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) is hosting “Designing Learning Spaces to Promote Success Among CU Denver’s First-Generation Low-Income Students of Color,” a series of three community of practice meetings among CU Denver faculty members in Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Facilitated by Dr. Marty Otañez, Faculty Fellow for the Center for…
Franci Crepeau-Hobson Featured in Chalkbeat
October 20, 2022 – With data showing that students need more mental health services, opting out of the state-level surveys now may do more harm than good, said Franci Crepeau-Hobson, a professor of school psychology at the University of Colorado Denver, who has used the national youth risk behavior data to analyze trends. “It’s going to make…
Faculty member Diana Schaack to direct $1.06M collaborative project
Faculty member Diana Schaack to direct the CU Denver subcontract for a three-year evaluation of the Denver Preschool Program (DPP) in collaboration with Dr. Vi-Nhuan Le at NORC at the University of Chicago. The total funding for this collaborative project is $1.06 million. The evaluation will examine the impact of a voter-approved sales tax that…
CORRECTION TO IMPACT: IES Panel – Congratulations Dr. Harris!
Please note that the email sent before about serving as a Principal Member of an IES grant panel was not complete. Dr. Bryn Harris was chosen for this honor and the email was forwarded in error. Congratulations to Dr. Harris for this role! Please do not contact Dr. Roberts to request participation on a panel.…
Faculty member Elizabeth Steed to direct the CU Denver subcontract on a new $4 million, 5-year grant in collaboration with UW and UW-Madison
Elizabeth Steed, faculty in the Early Childhood Education program at CU Denver, will direct the CU Denver subcontract on a new $4 million, 5-year grant in collaboration with the University of Washington (UW) and University of Wisconsin Madison (UW-Madison). The Office of Special Education Programs funded the grant called Project Mixer. Project Mixer will prepare…