Category: HR
2020 University Staff Mid-Year Performance Check-In
To University Staff and their Supervisors We are halfway through the 2020 performance cycle already! It is time for supervisors to meet with their staff for a mid-year performance check-in. SEHD HR has created an online form to facilitate these discussions. This does not need to be a super formal process. Hopefully supervisors are already meeting with their direct reports on a regular basis. We suggest you take…
Now is the time to take advantage of work study
FYI: Work study costs are being 100% covered between Financial Aid & Central Administration through December 2020, so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity while it’s available. On behalf of Student Employment… What to Expect for Fall 2020 Work-Study Greetings from Student Employment! So far 2020 has been a year of unexpected…
Open Enrollment ends at 5pm Friday, May 8th
CU Open Enrollment 8:00 am April 20 – 5:00 pm May 8 Check out resources, such as new rates, plan documents and digital Open Enrollment Information Sessions & Fairs on the Open Enrollment website. Plan Year Changes: New Mobile-Friendly Enrollment Tool (still accessed through UCD Access Employee Portal) New Pharmacy Management – Anthem Plans Increase…
Seeking applications for Clinical Professor Teaching Track – Open Rank, in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE)
Dear SEHD Faculty & Staff, The School of Education & Human Development is seeking applications for the position of Clinical Professor Teaching Track – Open Rank, in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE), for the 2020-2021 academic year, beginning August 10, 2020. The mission of the CLDE Program at the University of Colorado Denver is…
New website from Central HR
Have you seen the redesigned HR website? Take a look: There are now tabs for unique employee groups such as Faculty & Staff, Supervisors & Leaders, etc. You will find forms and resources from the original website, as well as some new tools such as Self-care toolkits, Telehealth FAQs, COVID-19 support, and much more.
Open Enrollment April 20 – May 8, 2020
Here are the top 5 things you need to know: For complete information, see: If you are covered by a CU Health Plan, you have until 5 p.m. Friday, May 10, to make any changes to your health plans. This is a Passive Enrollment year. If you do not take any action, you…
Helping Displaced Work-Study Students
How can you help displaced work-study students in our campus community? Do you have any projects that a student could work on remotely? Some examples of projects that have already been assigned to student workers across campus: Creating a social media campaign Updating policies and procedures Editing/creating videos for social media Managing email inbox…
Faculty, staff, student employees, and researchers: register your remote work arrangement
REMINDER SEHD student workers, researchers, staff, and now faculty are required to register for remote work at this remote workforce site. Please take a moment to record your remote work arrangements as soon as possible. ——- Dear SEHD student workers, researchers, and staff: We’d like to highlight a couple of items in the Chancellor’s 3/13/20 COVID-19…
COVID-19 Update: Staff, student employees, and researchers please register your remote work arrangement
Dear SEHD student workers, researchers, and staff: We’d like to highlight a couple of items in the Chancellor’s 3/13/20 COVID-19 Update email. If you’ve been authorized to work remotely, please register as directed below. If you are unsure whether you are authorized to work remotely, please consult your supervisor. By Monday, March 16, supervisors should…
Seeking applications for Assistant Professor, Counseling
Dear SEHD Faculty & Staff, The School of Education & Human Development is seeking applications for an Assistant Professor, with the Counseling Program, whose skills, experiences, and commitments will contribute to excellence in his/her program area and ensure excellence in all programs. The position has been posted to the Jobs at CU online application system,…