Author: Brad Hinson

  • ThinqStudio Workshop: Seeking Digital Merit

    Join us this Friday for a discussion about the merits of merit.  We will explore standards of faculty RTP and discuss what counts, what doesn’t count, and what should count.  Our own Scott McLeod and Remi Kalir will join Margaret Wood (Center for Faculty Development), Michael Zinser (Psychology), and Pam Laird (History) in open discussion…

  • ThinqStudio Workshop: Re-establishing Wonder through Writing

    Lunch and learn with us on November 16th 12:00 – 2:30 in the Comcast Technology & Media Center (Tivoli). Interested in examining student self-reflection in your classrooms? This workshop explores ways to use free-writing across the disciplines for self-reflection, wonder and connecting more deeply with a topic.  Presenters: Dennis DeBay (SEHD), Maryam Darbeheshti (Engineering) &…

  • SEHD Tricks, Treats & FUN

    SEHD Tricks, Treats & FUN

    A collection of resources and mementos from this week’s SEHD Retreat.   Thanks to all of our presenters for a great day! Bud Talbot (Brad Hinson): The email-free course – Teaching with Slack Learning Design & Technology: Synchronicity – Leveraging Zoom & Google Docs Matt Mitchell: Beta-Testing the new SEHD Website Manuel Espinoza: Embedded class discussions…

  • Technology Cheat-Sheet 18-19

    Published with new faculty and lecturers in mind.  More detail is found in the Faculty/Lecturer handbooks. ============================= Digital Teaching & Learning Partnership and consultation on digital curriculum, course and program design.  We provision resources, manpower, and 20+ years of collective experience designing, supporting, and developing digital education.  We are your liaison with the CU Office…

  • thinqstudio summer gallery

    Thinqstudio traveled to a variety of digital teaching & learning conferences this summer. Our fellows and explorers will be leading workshops this fall to explore the highlights and grand take-aways. Here are a few thinqstudio summer highlights from COLTT, the Digital Pedagogy Lab and the Connected Learning Summit. thinqstudio 08/18

  • thinq about unconferencing w us

    thinq about unconferencing w us

    The thinqstudio unconference is in one week – Friday May 11th.  As an unconference, attendees pick the topics of the day (see below). There’s still time to register and vote on topics you’d like to explore!   Festivities will commence with opening remarks from Chancellor Horrell at 9:00AM – see you there! Suggested Topics (vote here)…

  • Kalir, R. (2018). Bit, Block, Sketch, Build – Hybrid Pedagogy Journal

    Congratulations to Remi Kalir on his contribution to the Hybrid Pedagogy Journal; and his reference to our work with thinqstudio, Domain of One’s Own, the Marginal Syllabus, and more… “Every course, every semester, and every workshop is a mutable foundation upon which to build for empathy rather than efficiency, to architect relations of curiosity…

  • thinqstudio faculty travel scholarships

    thinqstudio faculty travel scholarships

    Thinqstudio is accepting applications for 2018-2019 travel scholarships through May 23rd.  Faculty Explorers are sent to select conferences around the country as thinqstudio correspondents; exploring, gathering data, and reporting back.  Explorers travel and work in small cohorts, functioning as a team at the event and upon return.  In return for travel and accommodations, cohorts pay-it-forward…

  • thinqstudio unconference May 11th

    thinqstudio Spring18 Augmented Reality in Teaching & Learning w John Tinnell April 6th Digital Assemblages & In-Betweens w Kate Goodman April 13th Connected Learning w a Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) w Julia Kantor May 4th rethinq w the Digital Pedagogy Lab May 11th Subscribe to occasional bits from thinqstudio * indicates required Email Address…

  • Net Equity

    Net Equity

    The FCC repealed Net Neutrality today, de-regulating the Internet as an open public resource. FCC Repeals Net Neutrality (NY Times) How A Deregulated Internet Could Hurt America’s Classrooms (NPR Podcast) Net Neutrality and You: What new Internet regulations could mean for students (U of Wisconsin-Madison) Now that FCC voted to repeal net neutrality, the Colorado…