Category: Of Interest
Student Food Pantry & Snack Support Fund update
Thank you to the faculty for your immediate and impressive response to the request for funds for the Student Food Pantry & Snack Support Fund made at today’s meeting. We were able to raise $251 in cash and more via Venmo! You can contribute via Venmo to Barbara at: @Barbara-Seidl-1 please note Student Pantry when…
Inviting education scholars to dialogue with the Education Civil Rights Alliance (ECRA)
Education scholars across the United States are invited to this special convening in which a range of national and local organizations that are members of the Education Civil Rights Alliance ( will share their suggestions and insights regarding the kinds of research that are urgently needed right now in civil-rights advocacy. This dialogue is intended…
Dr. Geneva Sarcedo’s dissertation research being used in CETL Community of Practice
The Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) is hosting “Designing Learning Spaces to Promote Success Among CU Denver’s First-Generation Low-Income Students of Color,” a series of three community of practice meetings among CU Denver faculty members in Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Facilitated by Dr. Marty Otañez, Faculty Fellow for the Center for…
Franci Crepeau-Hobson Featured in Chalkbeat
October 20, 2022 – With data showing that students need more mental health services, opting out of the state-level surveys now may do more harm than good, said Franci Crepeau-Hobson, a professor of school psychology at the University of Colorado Denver, who has used the national youth risk behavior data to analyze trends. “It’s going to make…
Faculty member Diana Schaack to direct $1.06M collaborative project
Faculty member Diana Schaack to direct the CU Denver subcontract for a three-year evaluation of the Denver Preschool Program (DPP) in collaboration with Dr. Vi-Nhuan Le at NORC at the University of Chicago. The total funding for this collaborative project is $1.06 million. The evaluation will examine the impact of a voter-approved sales tax that…
EdD Experiences in SEHD: A Focused Discussion
What is the goal? This discussion is both a focused discussion about your EdD experiences so far {belonging, inclusiveness, etc.) and an opportunity for you to share ideas and concerns related to equity in SEHD. Who should come? Students in the EdD {whether on 3 or 5 year plans) who began in Summer 2022. What…
National P-3 Center hosts premier strategic planning event in San Diego, CA
This week, the National P-3 Center is hosting 12 teams from across the country at the National P-3 Institute in San Diego, CA. This intensive, strategic planning “retreat” for approximately 100 people is the premier, biennial event of the Center. The Institute was first held in 2008, led by Harvard Graduate School of Education, and managed by Dr. Kristie…
Faculty member Elizabeth Steed to direct the CU Denver subcontract on a new $4 million, 5-year grant in collaboration with UW and UW-Madison
Elizabeth Steed, faculty in the Early Childhood Education program at CU Denver, will direct the CU Denver subcontract on a new $4 million, 5-year grant in collaboration with the University of Washington (UW) and University of Wisconsin Madison (UW-Madison). The Office of Special Education Programs funded the grant called Project Mixer. Project Mixer will prepare…
SEHD Faculty Development Grant Application: Due on 10/31/22
Dean Marvin Lynn has approved funds for the SEHD Faculty Development Grant. Applications are now open for Fall 2022 SEHD Faculty Development Grant. Note, there will be another application call in Spring 2023 if the budget permits. Grants are available to full time faculty (T/TT, IRC/CT, Sr. Instructor & Instructor). The maximum amount of the award is $1000…
Carlos Hipolito-Delgado’s research featured on Society for Research on Adolescence blog
Dr. Carlos Hipolito-Delgado is a Professor in Counseling at the University of Colorado Denver. His research focuses on the sociopolitical development of students of color, the ethnic identity development of Chicanx and Latinx youth, and the internalization of racism. Click here to view Carlos’ article Beyond Imagination: Transformative Student Voice for Liberatory Schools The original article he…