Category: Meetings

  • November 2, 2015 – SAC Meeting Minutes

    November 2, 2015 – SAC Meeting Minutes

    SEHD SAC Meeting Monday, November 2, 2015 at 2:30pm Location: Lawrence Street Center, Room 1148 In Attendance: Jessica Coon, Shelley Gomez, Lindsay Harn, Scarlett Ponton Items To Discuss Discuss Survey Feedback with the Dean Feedback was reviewed anonymously and it was decided that the dean would work on crafting a response to staff with the intent…


    Curriculum Committee Minutes November 2,2015 Members Jarrod Hanson Heather Johnson Joni Dunlap Nancy Shanklin Scott Schaefle Christina Gillanders Staff Shakira Anderson – Recorder I. GENERAL BUSINESS & REVIEW/DISCUSSION: Discussed the course changes for the 2016 – 2017 academic catalog: 338 course changes were submitted to the registrar’s office Changes include: cross-listing at the undergraduate, MA or…

  • Minutes: 10.12.15 Program Leaders Meeting

    SEHD Program Leaders Meeting Minutes 10/12/15, 9:30-11:30 AM LSC 1150 Program Leaders Members Present: Aswad Allen, Franci Crepeau-Hobson, Dorothy Garrison-Wade, Carolyn Haug, Carlos Hipolito-Delgado, Rebecca Kantor, Nancy Leech, Barbara Seidl, Nancy Shanklin, Elizabeth Steed, Sandy Snyder-Mondragon, Ron Tzur, Ruben Viramontez-Anguiano, Brent Wilson, Shelley Zion, JáNet Hurt (recorder). Margarita Bianco and Sheila Shannon attended via Zoom. Guests:…


    Curriculum Committee Minutes September 21, 2015       Members:          Joni Dunlap Heather Johnson Jarrod Hanson Nancy Shanklin Scott Schaefle Cristina Gillanders   Staff:    Shakira Anderson – Recorder Hilary Bruce   GENERAL BUSINESS & REVIEW/DISCUSSIONS:   Jarrod Hanson was elected committee chair for the 2015-2016 academic year.   II. COURSE PROPOSAL/REVISION REQUESTS:   Status                               Proposal                                                                                                 …

  • Minutes: HR Discussion Group 10.13.15

    A BIG thank you for those of you who were able to join us on Tuesday (10/15/15) for a stimulating discussion about leave! We truly appreciate you giving two hours of your time and hope you found it valuable. The minutes are posted, along with a handout that we missed distributing which summarizes takeaways from…

  • 9.14.15 Program Leaders Meeting Minutes

    9.14.15 Program Leaders Meeting Minutes

  • 8.24.15 Program Leaders Meeting Minutes

    Program Leaders Meeting Minutes 8‐24‐15 Present: Aswad Allen, Margarita Bianco, Jason Clark, Franci Crepeau‐Hobson, Connie Fulmer, Cindy Gutierrez, Carolyn Haug, Brad Hinson, Carlos Hipolito‐Delgado, Rebecca Kantor, Nancy Leech, Lori Ryan, Nancy Shanklin, Ron Tzur, Ruben Viramontez‐Anguiano, Brent Wilson, Shelley Zion Absent: Manuel Espinoza, Elizabeth Steed Recorder: Melissa M. Burrows (in for JáNet Hurt)   Discussion…

  • October 1, 2015 – SAC Meeting Minutes

    October 1, 2015 – SAC Meeting Minutes

    SEHD SAC Meeting Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 2:30p.m. Location: Lawrence Street Center, Room 700 In Attendance: Jessica Coon, Rachel Cornelius, Shelley Gomez, Scarlett Ponton Items To Discuss Dean’s involvement Moving forward, the SAC will always invite the dean to attend each of our council meetings, budgeting about 10 minutes (more if she chooses) for any…

  • September 17, 2015 – SAC Meeting Minutes

    September 17, 2015 – SAC Meeting Minutes

    SEHD SAC Meeting Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 2:30p.m. Location: Lawrence Street Center, Room 700 In Attendance: Melissa Burrows, Jessica Coon, Rachel Cornelius, Shelley Gomez, Scarlett Ponton Items To Discuss Welcome new SAC members! Review SAC bylaws/purpose Wishlist/Minutes from last SAC Meeting follow-up Melissa: to purchase some dishes/flatware for the breakrooms Jessica: to post PD ideas…

  • 13th Annual Colorado Future Teacher Expo

    SEHD is honored to host the 13th Colorado Annual Future Teacher Expo on Friday, October 9th. This multi-institutional event promotes the state’s undergraduate teacher education programs to local high school and community college students. Last year, over 250 students participated and this year we anticipate serving more than 500. There will be a session on…