Category: Thesis Final Defense
Final Defense – Wasayf Altawafshih
Challenges Facing Single-mother Families and How They Manage Their Resources Mon, Nov 18 @ 11:00 am LSC 1100 The rising numbers of families led by single parents have reached alarming levels that require proper planning by all organizations who provide assistantships to single parents and their children. To get a better understanding of the challenges…
Final Defense – Tessa Kranski
Fri, Nov 1 @ 8:30 LSC 710 Improving culturally responsive practices in early childhood education through coaching: A dissertation study involving a multiple baseline across participants design There is growing awareness regarding the need for educators to use more culturally responsive practices, particularly in early childhood education (Allen & Steed, 2016). Yet, there are few…
Final Defense – Brandy Bourdeaux
Young Women and STEM Careers: Identity and Perceptions at a Mountain Region High School Aug 30 @ 10:15 am LSC 710 Declining numbers of STEM graduates and steadily increasing need within the STEM career market suggests that it would be in the best interest of all stakeholders to encourage more women to engage with and…
Final Defense | Carlota Loya Hernández
The Assessment Gap: The Nature and Consequences of Mandated Literacy Assessment Practices of Latinx Students in Bilingual Programs in Colorado Aug 2 @ 10 am LSC 745 This qualitative study investigated the nature and consequences of mandated literacy assessments of Latinx students in bilingual programs. First, the study briefly reviewed critical legislation and policies that…
Final Defense – Taylor Schmidt
Understanding the Experiences of Delayed and Non-Delayed Parents July 2 @ 3:00 pm LSC 1148 The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of parental age at first birth on parental self-efficacy, well-being, and satisfaction. Further comparisons were done to determine if the reasons for choosing to become a parent and the experiences…
Final Defense – Karen Sobel
Transfer of Learning of Higher-Order Thinking Skills July 23 @ 10 AM LSC 603 At colleges and universities across the United States, first-year undergraduate students take courses that involve the learning and practice of higher-order thinking skills. Higher-order thinking skills support students’ ability to draw abstract principles from concrete learning experiences over time. Higher-order thinking…
Final Defense – Katie Palmquist
Supporting Early Childhood Workforce Well-Being: A Conceptual Activity System Model July 2 @ 1:00 pm LSC 710 This thesis explores the role of organizational practice and theory in working towards well-being within the early childhood workforce through the framework of activity systems as derived from Cultural Historical Activity Theory. Disproportionate rates of depression, burnout, and…
Final Defense – Julie Van Wright
Students’ range of reasoning while working on tasks designed to assess their covariational reasoning June 17 at 3:00 pm LSC 710 In this thesis, we will examine the range of reasoning that students engaged in while working on problems with two varying quantities. Responses from 250 College Algebra students were collected, analyzed, and coded to…
Final Defense – Anita Pizzo
Teacher Experiences in Co-Teaching Students with the LTELL Label May 13 @ 4:30 PM LSC 710 Co-teaching has increasingly replaced pull-out and push-in models for teaching English language learners (ELLs) in the United States. While there have been many books and articles published about co-teaching models and strategies to implement in mainstream content classrooms, there…
Final Defense – Bonnie Martinez
R.E.D. Alert: Relationships, Equity, and De-escalation: How Teachers Describe and Demonstrate a Culturally Appropriate Pedagogy of Relationships April 18th 9:30 LSC 603 This Dissertation Research Project (DRP) explored teacher beliefs and practices regarding Relationships, Equity and De-escalation in a public school that is experiencing rapid growth in their Latino student population. Informed by critical race…