Author: Matt Mitchell
CLAS Job Opportunity
CLAS is searching for a part-time (50%) Business Services Professional to help in a variety of different areas in the Dean’s Office and departments. The person will need to know the departmental program assistant role quite well and will also need to have a good understanding of the finance and HR roles. The position will also provide…
Save the Date: 4th Annual Student Recognition & Awards Banquet – April 13th
The 4th Annual Student Recognition & Awards Banquet Friday April 13, 2018 5:30pm – 8:00pm Student Commons Building, Rm. 2600
2018 Women’s Leadership Conference (WLC) – March 8, 2018
The 2018 Women’s Leadership Conference (WLC) will take place on March 8, 2018. The theme for the 2018 Conference is Leading Beyond the Binary. Our goal is to use this theme to interrogate and extend assumptions about both “gender” and “leadership”: How can we challenge norms about what constitutes “effective leadership”? What kinds of leadership…
Fall 2017 FCQ Results
Instructors, Your fall 2017 FCQ instructor reports are now available to you, your department FCQ coordinators, and administrators (e.g., department chairs). What is the initial FCQ report? These vendor-generated reports will be released each term and consist of a ratings summary and student comments. The FCQ Program will debut a beta version of a more…
SEHD wins 2018 AACTE Best Practice Award in Support of Multicultural Education and Diversity
CU Denver’s School of Education and Human Development wins national award for promoting diversity in its teacher prep programs The University of Colorado Denver’s School of Education and Human Development won a prestigious national award for promoting diversity in teacher education, the 2018 AACTE Best Practice Award in Support of Multicultural Education and Diversity from the American Association of…
Dr. Kimberly Schmidt’s Research Presentation – February 7
Dear SEHD Staff, Faculty, and Doctoral Students, You are invited to attend Dr. Kimberly Schmidt’s research presentation on Wednesday, February 7th at 12:00pm in LSC 600. Dr. Kim Schmidt is an experienced literacy/language professional and we would very much like for you to meet her and hear her presentation (see her CV here).We hope you…
Good-bye Meredith Lopez!
Meredith Lopez has accepted a position in the Business School and her last day in the SEHD is Friday, January 26th. While we are all very excited for Meredith and know this is a wonderful opportunity for her, her presence will be missed in the SEHD and, in particular, in Academic Services. We all wish…
SEHD’s new study abroad opportunity with Prof. Ruben Viramontez Anguiano featured in CU Denver TODAY
Dr. Ruben Viramontez Anguiano well understands the dilemmas faced by today’s aspiring first-generation college students. The son of immigrant parents and a former first-gen student himself, Anguiano learned how to navigate through the world of academic admissions, scholarships, and higher education classes to successfully earn his doctorate degree in human development and family studies. Ultimately,…
UCDALI Meeting Agenda – January 23, 2018
3:00 – 3:15 Update/Follow-up on Planning Meeting NOTE: “ETF” = Educator Track Faculty (new name being tried out in place of Non-Tenured Track, NTTF!) Meetings – 4th Tuesdays, NC3121, 3:00 – 4:30 (1/23, 2/27, 3/27, 4/24) Tenure Track Liaison Officer position: Joanne Addison, Professor, English UCDALI Mission, Vision and Plan (MVP) Non-CLAS ETF PD awards:…
SEHD’s NxtGEN and Pathways2Teaching featured in EdWeek
Latino Male Teachers: Building the Pipeline Why ‘it takes a village’ to recruit Hispanic men into the teaching profession Congrats to Angel Magana (student), Margarita Bianco, Tania Hogan and Barbara Seidl who are all quoted in this article. [Check out the article on EdWeek]