Author: Brad Hinson

  • SEHD/CLDE student organizing the Woman’s March on Colorado

    Kristen “Cheetah” Lindquester, a DPS-STR & CLDE graduate student is one of the three core organizers for the Women’s March on Denver that will take place on Saturday, January 21. More than 40,000 women, men and children from around Colorado have expressed interest in participating – hundreds have volunteered to help. Cheetah completed her teacher…

  • Congratulations to Phil Strain on his latest book

    Congratulations to Phil Strain on his latest book

    Congratulations to Dr. Phil Strain and colleagues on their latest book, Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Families: A Model of Individualized Positive Behavior Support for Home & Community. It’s a useful resource for in schools and childcare settings to address challenging behaviors in children with and without disabilities.  PTR FLYER (pdf) Click on the link to order it…

  • Holiday Cookie Exchange

    Holiday Cookie Exchange

    Your SEHD Staff Advisory Council cordially invites to you a Holiday Cookie Exchange & Contest. If you would like to participate, this is what you need to do: Make 3 dozen cookies and bring them on December 7th (store-bought cookies can get you entry to the exchange, but not into the contest) Email a copy…

  • Taylor invited speaker at colloquium…

    Taylor invited speaker at colloquium…

    Dr. Sherry Taylor has been invited to speak at the annual “Colloquium of Michoacán Migrants” hosted by the Secretary of Culture of the state of Michoacán. The colloquium takes place in Morelia, Mexico on December 15 and 16.  Dr. Taylor will be speaking about Early Literacy Development and Family Literacy in Diverse Communities relevant to her work during the past three summers with…

  • Worth Watching: World Education Systems

    Poverty, equity, education, data, technology, social class, teachers, students, and the future. Andreas Schleicher is a German-born statistician and researcher in the field of education. He is the Division Head and coordinator of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment and the OECD Indicators of Education Systems programme.

  • Occupying Classrooms: A #digped Discussion

    Occupying Classrooms: A #digped Discussion

    Originally posted Oct. 11 by Sean Michael Morris @ the Digital Pedagogy Lab ========================================= We hope that you’ll join us for this #digped chat on Friday, October 14 at 10AM Mountain Time. ========================================= Quite often, I don’t have the words to speak. To respond. To cry havoc. I have spoken many times already and have…

  • Explore ANTH101 – exemplary open education

    Explore ANTH101 – exemplary open education

    Case Study: ANTH 101 is an innovative, open online course in cultural anthropology from Michael Wesch at Kansas State University. This is an exemplary demonstration of the open education teaching and learning philosophy. Please explore and maybe even enroll! There is no better way learn and grow than to participate. It is designed around…

  • Call for Proposals: Symposium on Race, Gender & Sexuality in Research & Teaching

    Faculty Council Symposium Intersections: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Research and Teaching Call for Proposals We invite contributions from faculty on research in fields such as psychology, criminal justice, the arts, and cultural, global and media studies, to name a few; we invite presentations on ways we can bridge activism and scholarship and teaching; and we…

  • ThinqStudio – Friday @ inWorks

    LET’S DO LUNCH Meetup: Side-Stepping the Dreaded-Threads Friday September 30th Brown Bag Lunch 12:00 – 1:30 @ inWorks by Larimer Square In the spirit of collaboration and exploration of critical digital pedagogy (#digped), ThinqStudio is hosting our first meetup! This is a bit of a mixer, where we will discuss our reasons for being…