Your SEHD Staff Advisory Council cordially invites to you a Holiday Cookie Exchange & Contest.
If you would like to participate, this is what you need to do:
- Make 3 dozen cookies and bring them on December 7th (store-bought cookies can get you entry to the exchange, but not into the contest)
- Email a copy of your recipe to (if you would like to share it!)
- Bring a few Ziplock bags or Tupperware containers to collect your exchanged cookies.
- Lindsay Harn will take pictures of the cookies and we will post those pictures, along with the recipes, for everyone to vote on
- We will send a link to those who participated to vote for the best cookies
- Voting will take place online through 5pm on December 12th
- Prizes will be awarded at Winter Gathering on December 13th to those who won in the following categories:
- Tastiest
- Prettiest
- Most Original
We hope you can participate!
Your SEHD Staff Advisory Council