HR Tip- Development Opportunities through CU Denver’s Emergency Management Division

The Emergency Management Division of the University of Colorado Denver is offering: 

Severe Weather Preparedness Training 
October 5, 2022 

2:00PM – 3:00PM 
North Classroom, Room 1806  

Space is limited, registration required (CLICK HERE) 

As the temperature begins to change, so do the chances of increased severe weather. Severe weather events such as blizzards and/or heavy snow, tornados, and hail impact not only how we plan for our daily commutes, but also how we navigate our preparedness to weather these storms.  

While every storm is different, Severe Weather Preparedness Training is key to ensuring our readiness and well-being.   

The CU Denver | Anschutz Emergency Management Division welcomes you to attend this Weather-Related Emergency Preparedness training with Keynote speaker Chris Bianchi, Anchor and Meteorologist at 9NEWS in Denver, Colorado. 

To learn more about classes offered by Emergency Management for CU Denver, check out our website: CU Denver Emergency Management Training Calendar 

Questions? Please reach out to