Faculty Grants Academy – THIS FRIDAY 1/26/2024

The Office of Research Services (ORS) Faculty Grants Academy (FGA) is this Friday January 26, 12pm-2pm in Student Commons, room 1401. This workshop covers Proposal Development & Budgeting. FGA registration is found here, and more information and supplementary material can be found here.

Faculty are also encouraged to attend and perhaps present at the Research Symposium Friday February 2, 9am-1pm, in Student Commons Room 1600. The symposium serves as a kickoff and networking event to learn about fellow faculty research interests and explore potential Grand Challenge and convergence research topics. Symposium registration found here, and more information found here.

Both have remote Zoom options and in-person refreshments!

Questions? Contact:
Stefan Reiss | Director Research Development
University of Colorado Denver | Office of Research Services
303 315 0029 | stefan.reiss@ucdenver.edu | www.ucdenver.edu