Support with Recruiting LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff to the LGBTQ+ Operational Team

As CU Denver works to strengthen efforts to establish a genuine sense of community and belonging for our LGBTQ+ colleagues within the faculty, staff, and student body, a work group (Operational Team) is being formed. This group will work to develop strategies for CU Denver to become a LGBTQ+-Serving Institution. This is similar to other Operational Teams, including:

  • HSI
  • Black Serving
  • Age Friendly
  • Accessibility Serving
  • Indigenous Serving (in process)
  • Veteran Serving (in process)
Participating in this Operational Team is open to faculty, staff and students who are interested in this work, and SEHD’s Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (O-EDI) would like SEHD to be represented in this work. If you’d like to ask questions about participating in an Operational Team, you are welcome to ask antwan jefferson (LSC 711; If you’re interested in participating in this Operational Team, you should reach out to Michael Kocet, AVC for Graduate Education and lead for the LGBTQ+ Operational Team.

Also, it’s worth noting that there is already a faculty assembly LGBTQ+ committee in place, this operational team will work in harmony with them. While one focuses on governance, the other represents a broader institutional effort with a distinct and specific charge.