UPDATE: Process for Allocating Airfare Expenses to Speedtypes

If you have booked a flight through Concur and/or Christopherson Business Travel for recent travel, please read through this carefully.

The University has changed the process for allocating airfare expenses to speedtypes. They now have a Ghost Card/Airfare Card that is used exclusively by the University’s travel management program to charge airline and other common carrier tickets for University travelers.

When an employee books an airline ticket through the online Concur Travel & Expense System, Concur charges the Ghost Card/Airfare Card. Airfare transactions are subsequently imported into the appropriate employee’s Concur profile. These expenses need to be imported and reconciled in a Concur report along with any out-of-pocket (personally paid) and/or travel card expenses for the trip.

Please note that when a ticket is booked through Christopherson Business Travel, the reconciliation process is the same, but includes a $20 service charge to CBT.

When you book a flight through either Concur or CBT, please reach out to your corresponding fiscal staff, so that they can help create a report for the airfare. Please send your fiscal staff the following information: the dates of travel, travel business purpose and speedtype for the flight.

If the airfare is for a future trip, you will submit the report until after the trip along with any other trip-related expenses. Please remember that all expenses must be reconciled within 90 days of the end of the trip to avoid tax implications. A notice with this policy was sent out through SEHD Impact on January 24th, 2023. You can read the announcement here: Taxable Concur Expenses – SEHD Impact! (ucdenver.edu).

We also sent out a reminder regarding outside internet airfare purchases in November. If you want to read the post to ensure you are following University policy for airfare, you can refer back to the post here: Updates to Airfare Bookings for University-Related Travel – SEHD Impact! (ucdenver.edu)

If you have any questions, please contact sehdfinance@ucdenver.edu.