SEHD Faculty Research Symposium – January 26

SEHD Faculty Research Symposium

January 26, 2022

12:00pm – 1:00pm

If not attending the faculty meeting prior, please RSVP here.

Joshua Martin

Special Education Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Quality Improvement Case Study Of Alternative Licensure Programs As Sources Of Self-Efficacy Information

There is a persistent shortage of special education teachers in Colorado and alterative licensure programs are designed to fill that need. Research has linked self-efficacy to teacher retention, but this has not been studied in alternative licensure programs where teachers are actively teaching and while completing their license. The purpose of this quality improvement study is to examine the sources of self-efficacy information in alternative certification programs for special education. Using an adapted conceptual framework of the integrated model for sources of self-efficacy, special education teacher self- efficacy in alternative certification programs were examined. Through iterative interviews, this study answered the question of what alternative licensure programming supports and does not self-efficacy formation in new teachers.

Jennifer Fox

Including Inclusion in Alternative Teacher Training

This study seeks to examine the perceptions of general education alternative licensure candidates for the purpose of quality improvement in an alternative licensure program in the state of Colorado. Using the SACIE-R to explore candidate sentiments, attitudes and perceptions towards both individuals with disabilities and the concept of inclusion, I gain insight into how the alternative licensure program can improve its offerings to support both disposition development and skill development of candidates. To make visible the challenges with developing inclusive practices in alternative licensure program candidates, I use a Disability Studies in Education framework, focusing particularly on the need to create functional definitions of inclusion that rely on both mindsets and skills.