Margarita Bianco will be keynote speaker at National Network for Education Renewal Conference

Everyday and across the United States, NNER members operate on four fundamental beliefs.

1. We are all responsible for the improving the realities of our schools, universities, and communities.

2. We believe that all students, regardless of race, poverty, geography, or any other circumstance, deserve equal access to high quality learning and enriching life experiences.

3. We believe deep, enduring teaching and learning occurs can truly only occur when students are both loved and challenged.

4. By embracing our 1) shared responsibility to schools, 2) working toward equal access to high quality learning for all students, and 3) teaching from a place that loves and challenges students, we find what inspires us most– 4) educating and preparing students to fully engage as considerate and critical citizens who know their value and capacity to make a profound impact in this world.


Learn more about the NNER Conference and register to attend!