Information About CARE Team

Happy Fall semester! As we begin a new academic year, we want to reach out and make sure that everyone has the link to the CU Denver CARE form and is aware of their role as responsible employees as it pertains to the CU Denver Policy: Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team. The faculty and staff in the Schools and Colleges are integral in identifying disconnected students, students in crisis, and behaviors that may harm individuals and/or the community. We cannot stress enough how your partnership is critical to keeping our community safe and connected. Without your reports, we would not be able to effectively do our jobs.

Here is the CARE Reporting Form.

Far too many tragedies have occurred within our Colorado community and nation as a whole. We want you to know that CU Denver’s CARE Team meets regularly and consists of representatives from AHEC Police, Legal Counsel, Office of Case Management, Student and Community Counseling Center, Office of Equity, Student Conduct and Community Standards, and Student Housing. The Office of Case Management reviews every CARE report that is submitted. The individual student cases that are brought to the CARE Team are ranked on the NABITA risk assessment tool. Based upon these assessments, interventions are developed to ensure that the student is supported and connected to resources in addition to addressing health or safety concerns.

Every report is a critical piece of the puzzle and becomes a data point to help inform future decision making. Many times we hear “I don’t know if it warrants a CARE report” to which we always respond by asking you to fill one out and allow us to manage the case going forward, since you may not be aware of other information we have on the student. Every bit of information is important and is used to create a central repository that can be tracked and used to support individuals and care for our community.

Thank you for your partnership and support. Please continue to share information about our CARE Team within your school or college and let us know if you’d like our team to come to any of your departmental meetings to provide further information about who we are and how we operate.