Category: Colleagues

  • Sean Michael Morris quoted in Inside Higher Ed

    The shift to remote learning: the human element Can we expect that pandemic-related pedagogies, policies and approaches will somehow change the face of education? “What’s happening now isn’t what we ever imagined for online education or digital learning,” says Sean Michael Morris, director, Digital Pedagogy Lab, and senior instructor of learning design and technology at…

  • Sean Michael Morris interviewed by National Public Radio, March 19, 2020

    ‘Panic-gogy’: Teaching Online Classes During the Coronavirus Pandemic Digital learning experts have some surprising advice: do less. Sean Michael Morris, senior instructor in the learning design & technology program at the University of Colorado Denver, says that in this unprecedented time. “Recognizing that we’re also human, we also have to figure this out together is…

  • Sean Michael Morris featured in Diverse, March 12, 2020

    Berea College Praised For Coronavirus Response Kentucky’s Berea College is winning plaudits for the way it is dealing with the coronavirus crisis. “They appear to be providing a model that people should be following,” said Sean Michael Morris, director of the Digital Pedagogy Lab and senior instructor of learning design and technology at the University…

  • Joni Dunlap featured on PBS, March 17, 2020

    Resources For Teaching and Learning During This Period of Social Distancing Has there been a better time for students to take field trips to virtual museums, play in the Minecraft playground, run through a few rounds of Kahoot, or tune-in for a Skype lecture by a special guest speaker? “Everything is the technology of online…

  • COVID-19 and Managing Mental Health

      News of a widespread public health concern like COVID-19 (Coronavirus) can cause feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. Many students across the nation are dealing with sudden changes to their regular schedules and some are faced with having to quickly leave their campuses without contingency plans yet in place. These developments can be stressful. At…

  • Brad Hinson named CU Denver OER Champion

    The University of Colorado is one of 23 Colorado institutions of higher education to receive grant funding from the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) for open education projects. This year, $1 million ( was awarded to 35 different grantees, among them: The University of Colorado Denver received $35,000 for ThinqStudio to establish an open…

  • CU Denver’s Bianco receives national teacher diversity research award

    On February 27, Margarita Bianco, associate professor in the School of Education & Human Development, was presented with the 2020 Diversified Teaching Workforce (DTW) Teacher Diversity Research Award from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) at their annual meeting in Atlanta, GA. Through the Pathways2Teaching program she founded, developed, directs, and maintains,…

  • Black Education Impact Conference Featured in CU Denver News

    CU Denver hosted 62 youth and 20 adults on February 21 for the 2020 Black Education Impact Conference. High schoolers participated in career workshops and presentations themed around the topic: “Moving Beyond the Screen: Using the power of social media to promote higher education, social activism and community involvement.” The event was planned and orchestrated…

  • Geeta Verma’s Research Featured in CU Connections and CU Denver NEWS

    Thinking “STEM career:” Boys and Girls Club Engages in Education Research It’s not uncommon to hear elementary schoolers from Jack A. Vickers Boys and Girls Club in Denver’s Northeast Park Hill neighborhood dropping complex terms like “3-D printing,” “prototyping,” “drones,” “Raspberry Pi,” “flight simulation” and “spatial visualization.” This is especially true since the club’s partnership last…

  • We are excited to welcome Kelley Patient to the School of Education & Human Development!

    As HR & Payroll Coordinator, Kelley will perform functions related to recruiting, on-boarding, off-boarding, payroll, leave usage, immigration paperwork, and record keeping and retention. Kelley joins us from a season of working remotely with an HR team based in Orlando, FL, and moved to the Denver area about a year ago. Some fun facts about…