Category: Colleagues
Goodbye and Good Luck Miriam!
Miriam Cummings, undergraduate academic advisor extraordinaire, has tendered her resignation effective the end of July. Miriam has been an outstanding colleague for the past two years and has worked diligently to support our SEHD students. She will be missed! As many of you know, Miriam is a current PhD student and will be devoting her…
Welcoming Baby Ricciardi!
Congratulations to Chris and his wife Jessica on their second son Jax Owen Ricciardi! Jax was born on Tuesday, June 23rd at 3:44pm. Everyone is healthy and happy.
Congratulations Dr. Donovan on Receiving the Graduate School Doctoral Mentoring Award!
Congratulations Dr. Donovan on Receiving the Graduate School Doctoral Mentoring Award! Courtney Donovan, PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor for the School of Education and Human Development (SEHD) at the University of Colorado, recently received the prestigious Dean’s Doctoral Mentoring Award. For the full article please click here
Scott McLeod featured in Wisconsin School News June-July 2020 Issue
NEVER WASTE A GOOD CRISIS In late March, I started interviewing school leaders around the globe about their school’s or school district’s responses to the coronavirus pandemic. I talked with dozens of different educational organizations across the United States and in countries as varied as China, Italy and Saudi Arabia. My goals were to hear…
Franci Crepeau-Hobson featured in Education Week
Helping Students Grieve From a Distance Educators also need to be prepared for the fact that school closures may delay students’ ability to fully process a death in their school community. Denial is a normal reaction to death, said Franci Crepeau-Hobson, a professor of school psychology at the University of Colorado Denver and a specialist…
Scott McLeod interviewed on Education Today Podcast
Education Today – What Works in Distance Learning and Classroom Podcasting In this episode, Dr. Rod Berger interviews Dr. Scott McLeod, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Colorado-Denver, as well as Ben Kelly, the Department Head of Innovative Design in New Brunswick, Canada’s Anglophone East School District. Check out the podcast…
Congratulations to Ebony Flowers (Wife of Remi Kalir) for her comic, The Diary Project: `Emotional Register’ published in The New York Times!
The Diary Project: ‘Emotional Register’ An assignment for all of us to help capture an extraordinary time. You can read the Diary Project in the New York Times.
ThinqStudio Scholarships to Digital Pedagogy Lab 2020
ThinqStudio is CU Denver’s teaching and learning innovation incubator. We explore the future of learning and advocate for creative and critical pedagogies in every venue, including digital. One of our abiding principles is that we are all learners. In that spirit, ThinqStudio is funding 20 scholarships for CU Denver Lecturers (adjuncts) to the Digital Pedagogy…
Sean Michael Morris interviewed on MSN
We’re embracing tech during lockdown – but can it replace the classroom? Amid the challenges of implementing technology into our home lives, families are having to embrace technology to keep things “normal”, and finding increasingly creative ways to stay organized and educated online along the way. “People who never expected – nor ever wanted –…
ASPIRE to Teach program Candidate Featured in Local Newspaper
Matt DeJong is a business teacher at John Mall High School in Huerfano, Colo., and a candidate in the ASPIRE to Teach program.In this article from the Huerfano newspaper, Matt shares important insights on the COVID-19 virus’s impact on students and families. Matt is an excellent example of a career-changer who, like several ASPIRE candidates,…