Category: Meetings
Student Committee Meeting Minutes (10/07/24)
SEHD Student Committee Meeting Minutes 10/7/24 Members: Robin Brandehoff, Jim Christenson, Paula Gallegos, Elena Sandoval-Lucero, Diana Schaack, Jennifer Taylor, Rachel Stein Review committee roles and responsibilities Outstanding Graduates selection for fall and spring commencement Review and decide on student appeals Review and score scholarship applications in the spring One committee member serves on…
Updated SEHD Meeting Calendar
The SEHD meeting calendar on the wiki has been updated to include a link to a list of all religious/faith-based holidays. Click here to view the updated calendar on the wiki
CCC Updates and Register for Upcoming Trainings
The Comprehensive Compensation Collaborative (CCC) had its last steering committee meeting on Monday, August 26, 2024. Please see the attached slide deck for information regarding the scope of the project, goals and outcomes, updates and next steps. To summarize the updates: Campus HR is still working with Mercer consulting on Market Compensation information and when complete, will…
AERA Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education Planning Meeting Presentation Information Requested
Hello faculty, staff, doc students and alum. AERA’s Division K (Teaching and Teacher Education) will be holding their program planning meeting at CU Denver from September 27 – 29. The 30 people coming to plan are a part of the lead the division leadership and serve as section co-chairs and many are leaders in the field of Teaching and Teacher Ed. On Friday, the 27th, the SEHD will cohost…
2025 AERA Annual Meeting Call for Submissions Is Now Open
We are pleased to officially inform you that the AERA 2025 Annual Meeting Call for Submissions is now available on the AERA website. We encourage you to consider a paper or session submission to a division, special interest group (SIG), or committee that best aligns with your research interests. The deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm,…
Student Committee Minutes (05/06/24)
SEHD Student Committee Meeting Minutes 5/6/24 Members: Caron Westland, Joshua Martin, Jennifer Camacho Taylor, Sofia Chaparro, Jim Christensen, Ron Tzur, Elena Sandoval-Lucero Scholarship Application Discussion of this year’s process and future application questions The committee would prefer if there were some criteria to help with evaluation. Is it based on hardship? Is it based…
Curriculum Committee Minutes (05/06/24)
Curriculum Committee Minutes Date: May 6, 2024 Members: Jorge Chavez – co chair Ester de Jong Troyann Gentile Remi Kalir Andrea Laser – co chair Julia Mahfouz Staff: Shakira Anderson Shannon Hagerman (CPE) GENERAL BUSINESS & REVIEW/DISCUSSIONS: Committee chairs for 2024-2025 Jorge Chavez and Andrea Laser will continue to co-chair for 2024-25…
Curriculum Committee Minutes (04/15/24)
Curriculum Committee Minutes Date: April 15, 2024 Members: Jorge Chavez – co chair Ester de Jong Troyann Gentile Remi Kalir Andrea Laser – co chair Julia Mahfouz Staff: Shakira Anderson Shannon Hagerman (CPE) I. GENRAL BUSINESS & REVIEW/DISCUSSIONS: Discussion with Deal Lynn: Is the committee an advisory or decision making committee…
SEHD Student Committee Meeting Minutes (04/01/24)
SEHD Student Committee Meeting Minutes 4/1/24 Members: Caron Westland, Joshua Martin, Jennifer Camacho Taylor, Sofia Chaparro, Jim Christensen, Ron Tzur, Elena Sandoval-Lucero Guest: Antwan Jefferson Continued Discussion with Antwan – Opportunities for Student Committee to Impact the Feedback Conversation Review of opportunities for the Student Committee to Impact the Schoolwide Conversation on…
Colorado Conference at AERA
Headed to the AERA 2024 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia? Don’t miss the Colorado Reception on April 13. Join your colleagues and alumni from SEHD and friends from the Colorado colleges and schools of education for food, drink, and good company at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. Click here to RSVP