Category: Center for Faculty Development
NCFDD Faculty Success Program
By popular demand, we’ve made the NCFDD Faculty Success Program grants equally available to full-time faculty of all ranks. That includes full professors! Please check out the program. If you decide to apply, please do so through our grant application If you don’t think that this is the right opportunity for you now, please encourage…
Join the CFDA and the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for a day (or a half-day) of accessibility training
The CU Boulder Digital Accessibility Office (DAO) frames digital accessibility as “all people should have the opportunity to access the same information and services in the digital environment without facing undue barriers or burdens.” February 7th, 9-12 in person: Digital Accessibility Fundamentals The CU Boulder Digital Accessibility Office (DAO) will provide guidance on presenting accessible…
From the Center for Faculty Development & Advancement
Faculty Conversation: “AI and the Future of Education: Transformative or Inevitable?” Join Dr. David Hildebrand (Professor, Philosophy) & the CFDA for an open conversation on all the ways the AI is affecting faculty life. Neil Postman once noted that “Technological change is neither additive nor subtractive. It is ecological….It changes everything.” He also wrote, “Embedded…
Certification in Accessibility Practices
Join us this Spring for the CFDA’s first ever Certificate in Accessibility Practices! Ableism 101 – February 14th Executive Functioning – March 1st Document Accessibility – April 5th Click here to register and view the event flyer
Workshop Opportunity | Defining Yourself as a Researcher: Strategies to Create and Manage a Research Agenda
The CFDA just scheduled a Spring online workshop that may be of interest to PhD and/or master’s-level students. SEHD’s own Dr. Desa Daniel will host this. It’s titled “Defining Yourself as a Researcher: Strategies to Create and Manage a Research Agenda.” It will be appropriate for those who are planning their careers as researchers (or contemplating…
CFDA Fall Opportunities!
The Center for Faculty Development & Advancement (CFDA) has many opportunities for faculty fun & learning in October and November. We also have several small grant opportunities! Click here to view the CFDA calendar and learn more
Reminder to Apply for IRC Professional Development Grants by September 30th!
Professional Development Grant Deadline is Fast Approaching! The University of Colorado Denver Association of Lecturers (UCDALI) and the Center for Faculty Development & Advancement (CFDA) are offering professional development grants of $1000. This grant can be used for: Conference participation (such as presenting a paper/poster, moderating a session, etc.) Attending/participating in professional development trainings, workshops,…
COVID-19 and Managing Mental Health
News of a widespread public health concern like COVID-19 (Coronavirus) can cause feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. Many students across the nation are dealing with sudden changes to their regular schedules and some are faced with having to quickly leave their campuses without contingency plans yet in place. These developments can be stressful. At…
ACUE Courses for all Faculty: Great Teaching is at the Heart of Student Success
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning partnered with the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) to provide a targeted initiative aimed at providing support for faculty to learn about and apply proven teaching techniques. During the 2020-2021. faculty will be chosen to participate in a Course in Effective Teaching Practice or Online Teaching Essentials. The goal of these courses are…
Teaching Enhancement Grant
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Teaching Enhancement Grants support projects that seek to develop innovations in teaching or enhance a faculty member’s pedagogical practice. We are hoping to fund projects that: Develop modes of teaching that are learner-centered; or Promote diversity and inclusive practices in the classroom; or Enhance the use of high impact practices; or…