Faculty Candidate Presentation, Tenure Track, Couple and Family Therapy – Dr. Tom Su (Tuesday, January 28, 10:15 AM)

A Systemic View on Intercultural Relationships: Research and Clinical Implications 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025 

10:15 AM – 11:10 AM Presentation and Q & A 

Location: LW 1100  

and/or Zoom: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/96997129267 


Faculty, staff, students, alumni and members of the public welcome! 



Presented by Tom “YiLe” Su, PhD, LMFT candidate for Assistant Professor, Tenure Track for Couple & Family Therapy (CFT)    

This presentation will provide a systemic overview of current research and clinical practice on intimate intercultural relationships. I will talk about my dissertation project and future research, as well as my plan to integrate my research into teaching, clinical training, and community building.  

Dr. Su’s CV can be found here. Please note that certain personal information has been redacted if applicable. 


Please arrive and/or log on to Zoom a few minutes prior to the presentation as we will start promptly.  

Please share your feedback by February 5th using the below short survey link: https://ucdenverdata.formstack.com/forms/candidate_feedback_form