Due Next Friday: 2023-2024 University Staff Performance Evaluations Due July 19, 2024

Dear colleagues, just a reminder that performance evaluations for University Staff, PRA and Rural Instructors* are due to SEHD HR next Friday July 19, 2024.    

Evaluations can be sent to sehdhr@ucdenver.edu as an email attachment, file sharing link, or you can even bring us paper. We are continuing to use the excel workbook tool which was new from campus hr last year. If you need to download a blank copy please visit: wiki.cu.studio/human/performance-management. If you need a copy of the information that you provided to SEHD HR last year, please contact us ASAP.

Please review the Behaviors for Success and Job Responsibilities sections on the last tab together. These are important ongoing topics to discuss and evaluate in addition to the time-bound annual goals.

Professional development and soft skills are great goals to add for the coming year! A list of ideas is available here: wiki.cu.studio/human/professional_development



Thank you to the growing group of folks who have already completed this process.

Everyone else, please return completed evaluations by Friday, 7/19/24. This will allow SEHD HR time to compile the information and move the data into the required reports in time for our deadline to campus administration on the 31st.   

Thank you for your partnership in meeting this timeline – we appreciate it!   



SEHD Resources:wiki.cu.studio/human/performance-management

Campus HR’s resources: Performance Management &  “Consistency, Clarity, and No Surprises: An Equation for Successful Performance Evaluation and Management”  

Skillsoft training option: Register through your UCD Portal, through the Skillsoft tile, and by searching for course ID “ilt_a30009”   The course name is UCD: Performance Management – Evaluation.  


SEHD HR and Campus HR are here to support you. Please let us know what you need: sehdhr@ucdenver.edu & workplaceengagement@ucdenver.edu   

*Faculty evaluation details and timeline are announced separately.