Perilous Border Crossings and Aesthetic Unsettlement Talk By Dr. Ortega, 4/2/24

The Annual Honi Haber Memorial Speaker event will be held at the University of Colorado, Denver on April 2nd, 2024 at 3:30pm in the Terrace Room at the Lawrence Street Center.

It is free and open to the public.

This thought-provoking event is sponsored by the Philosophy Department at the University of Colorado, Denver.

This talk will explore how one can critically analyze the experience of migration, specifically Latinx migratory border crossings, through both aural and visual works and the affective responses as a result. This “aesthetic unsettlement” allows for a perceiver to move away from dominant reactions and make space for new reactions of border-crossers and border crossings themselves.

Our speaker is Dr. Mariana Ortega, who is a Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies at Penn State University.

Click here to view the event flyer and learn more

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