Technology & Learning | In Progress | Summer ‘23



IT Professional | Hiring and recruitment remain in progress.

Counseling Telehealth | We are implementing 40 Virtual Machines (VM) for clinic practicum students to work remotely with HIPAA compliant data security.  In progress.

Classroom Upgrades | LSC745 is under construction.  We are installing ceiling microphones, 4k tracking cameras, a Zoom audience monitor, etc. LSC648 & LSC1150 will be next.  In progress.

Classroom Tutorials | We are developing on-demand tutorials and demonstrations for SEHD classrooms beginning with LSC1100 – the Rebecca Kantor Digital Atelier.  Click, read, watch, use the room. In progress.

Classroom Computers | We are shifting from PCs to Macs in our classrooms.  The majority of our faculty use the Mac OS and shifting will increase classroom usability for instruction.  We are also testing Zoom Rooms – i.e. rooms that have no computer at all but are Zoom capable – walk in, touch a button to Zoom – plug in your laptop optional. In progress.

The Learning Agency | Seven LDT students are working with 5 clients this Summer.  They are producing courses, trainings, and explainer videos for Savory Global, AMC School of Psychiatry, the Colorado School of Public Health, the CEDC Center for Inclusive Design & Engineering, and SEHD Teacher Education.  Five of our Agency students are graduating in August and we’re onboarding 4 new students this Summer. In progress.

TechTAs | We are partnering with Teacher Education to pilot teaching assistants specifically trained for classroom AV systems, Zoom facilitation, and other hybrid teaching systems.  Training and development this Summer and activation in the Fall.  In progress.

Upgrades | The ASPIRE App continues development, IMPACT upgrades are in progress, digital signage upgrades in progress, copier/printers upgraded, student commons printer replaced, SEHD Web infrastructure improvements are ongoing.   In progress.

Adobe Acrobat Pro |  All Adobe licensing is rebooting June-July 2023.  Moving forward, Adobe Acrobat Pro can be licensed separately from the Adobe bundle for $18 per year.  The full bundle can be licensed for $65 per year – Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, etc.  Current Adobe licenses cease functioning July 14. New license distribution begins July 15.  Details on process are forthcoming.  In progress (OIT)

Campus WiFi | Upgrades to the wireless network are in progress in various campus buildings.  The LSC is low on the list but some mention of August have been rumored. In the meantime, plug-in to the wired network for best performance.  In progress (OIT)

The Technology & Learning team provides bespoke service, infrastructure, and trainings +  helps navigate campus OIT offices, personnel, and systems + manages technology licenses, vendors, and purchasing on behalf of the SEHD.  Contact for assistance or questions with any/all of the above.