CU Denver Offers Free Mental Health First Aid Certification Training for All the CU Denver Students/Staff & Faculty

CU Denver offers free Mental Health First Aid certification training for all the CU Denver faculty, staff and students.

Mental Health First Aid is an international, evidence-based program that teaches people to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges. Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis. This course is currently held virtually. The participants are required to complete a 2-hour pre-recorded training prior to the date of the live zoom portion of the training, which is 6 hours long (with a 25-minute lunch break). Registration is required for this course, and there are three upcoming course dates for this semester:

  1. March 8th
  2. March 31st
  3. April 7th
This course is currently offered only to CU Denver community as Anschutz has their own separate program. Please consider attending this training and sharing the information with your staff and faculty colleagues and students!

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