We hope that you will utilize (by participating, exploring, sharing) these events and resources during Black History Month (BHM2023).
This week’s focus is on the experiences of Black students.
From Black Student Services (a program of CII: the Center for Identity and Inclusion): Please visit the link below to learn about, participate in, and share with students:
CII has some amazing Black History Month Events happening. The first event is February 1st, The Kick Back. Followed by MELANATED & ABROAD and WELCOME B(L)ACK on February 2nd. This is a great way to meet some of our Black student organization leaders in African Student Union (ASU), Black Girl Equity Alliance (BGEA), and National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Also, please let Precious Palmer or anyone at the Center for Identity and Inclusion, if you need support or guidance during the semester. CII is here to help you. And join their IG page to learn more about their resources. @cudenver_cii
Next, please connect to this exhibit at Museum of Contemporary Art (ends on 2/5)
The Dirty South: Contemporary Art, Material Culture, and the Sonic Impulse, explores the aesthetic legacies and traditions of Black Culture in the African American South as seen through the lens of contemporary Black musical expression
Here are some positive resources that explore the unique experiences of Blacks in higher education..
Also, you may find it helpful to take a look at organizations that provide education resources focused upon enhancing the Black experience in education: