Colorado FAMLI program deductions begin in 2023, leave begins in 2024

Dear colleagues, 

As you may have heard, in November 2020, Colorado voters passed Proposition 118, approving the creation of the State of Colorado Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program. This social insurance program provides all Colorado workers a portion of their weekly salary for up to 12 weeks of leave to care for themselves or their families, with an additional four weeks leave for pregnancy or childbirth complications.

Payments into the program begin Jan. 1, 2023 and the expanded paid leave to Colorado workers begins in 2024.

Click here to review the full announcement from Employee Services:  

What this means for you 

Beginning Jan. 1, 2023 ALL Colorado employees, including in-state faculty and university staff (not classified staff) will see a state-mandated after-tax deduction in their paychecks totaling 0.45% of their annual wages. CU will also pay 0.45%, totaling 0.9% of your yearly pay (up to the Federal Social Security wage cap which is $160,200 in 2023). 

The program does not apply to out-of-state employees, meaning they will not see any changes to their deductions and cannot utilize the new paid leave. 

To calculate how much your deduction will be and what you’ll receive while on leave, click here:  

For example, for an annual salary of $50,000, the Total Annual Employee Contribution would be $225.16, so about $19 per month. 

Looking ahead 

The university will continue to share FAMLI program details and updates in the months ahead as we get closer to that 1/1/2024 date when eligible in-state individuals can begin to use FAMLI leave. 


Please reach out to CU’s Employee Services team:  303-860-4200,