Time to prepare for 2022-23 Open Enrollment, April 18th – May 6th


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The University of Colorado’s Open Enrollment for the 2022-23 plan year takes place from April 18th – May 6th. This three-week period is a great opportunity to determine what changes, if any, you need to make with your medical, dental, vision and other benefits coverage.

Deciding on what health plan best fits you and your family’s needs doesn’t have to be a difficult or complex process. The Basics of CU Health Plans and Pretax Savings on-demand course is a perfect way to plan and make sure your benefits meet your needs. These courses, offered in English and Spanish, can help you: 

  • Assess your current plan’s rates and features, so you can compare them to any changes implemented in plan-year 2022-23.  
  • Understand the key features of each medical, dental and vision plan so you can compare and decide which plans best meet your needs.  
  • Explore additional ways to save money with pre-tax health savings options. 

The virtual course is available now. Start planning today to be aware of your options ahead of Open Enrollment. 

Click here to view the on-demand course: https://www.cu.edu/employee-services/benefits-wellness/basics-cu-health-plans-and-pretax-savings  

With any questions, please reach out to SEHD HR or to the Employee Services Benefits team: https://www.cu.edu/employee-services/benefits-wellness