Julia Mahfouz Selected to be Part of CASEL’s Inaugural Wessberg Scholars Cohort

Innovation and SEL: The Next Generation of Scholars

Lifelong learners are the backbone of the SEL field. They are the innovators, the question-askers, the researchers, and the teachers. They are the ones always striving to improve and do what is best for students. In the spirit of lifelong learning, the CASEL Weissberg Scholars program is bringing together the next generation of SEL innovators. Ten inaugural scholars from around the country will spend two years together exploring diverse research interests to collectively strengthen the vision of SEL. The program for early career scholars honors the legacy of Dr. Roger P. Weissberg who played a unique role in the evolution of the SEL field as a collaborator, mentor, and founding thought leader.

Read more about this exciting community of lifelong learners.