Faculty Seminar: Academic v. Grant Writing

Come learn best practices for research writing in different formats, as well as how to write collaboratively. This seminar is on September 27th on the Denver campus, lunch will be served, and you can register here: http://www.ucdenver.edu/research/ORDE/Pages/FacultySeminar.aspx

Academic v. Grant Writing

September 27, 2018

12:00 – 2:00 pm

Location: CU Building, Rm 3301

Faculty Expert: Bud Talbot, Assistant Professor, Science Education and Laurel Hartley, Associate Professor, Biology

Research faculty need to write a lot, writing articles and grant proposals in particular. But, these are very different types of writing. The academic writing that goes into articles is often oriented toward other experts in the field. Proposal writing however requires the PI to pitch their idea and convince readers to invest in their project. In this seminar we will look at the difference between these types of writing, looking particularly at how you can switch gears from academic writing to grant writing. Additionally, we will learn from our faculty experts how to write in these different capacities collaboratively.