CU ONLINE CORE+ GRANT PROGRAM | CFD Professional Development Opportunity

CU Online is accepting proposals to fund the development of new (never offered) online courses including campus core, GT pathways and high demand courses. Additional funds for standalone, catalog courses are available on a limited basis. $4,OOO will be provided to the faculty member for each fully online course they develop and for participating in training and course peer review. At least $2500 will be provided for each hybrid science/lab course. $2,000 will be provided for development of a hybrid course or if an existing hybrid course is developed for online delivery. Faculty may take this as a stipend or have the funds transferred to a development account for any use that would benefit their online teaching. CU Online will provide faculty with technical support and training. Faculty receiving the CU Online grant must agree to successfully complete the Online Skills Mastery (OSM) course and participate in a Peer Review of the newly developed course.

For more information and an application contact: Kim Penoyer, 303-315-3697 (KIM.PENOYER@UCDENVER.EDU)

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