REMINDER: Upcoming Lunch and Learn Series



Lunch & Learn: Professional Development Series


 The CU Denver Center for Faculty Development (CFD) and CU Online are pleased to sponsor the 2014-2015 Lunch & Learn series that provides faculty the opportunity to meet and network with their colleagues across campus and learn about resources to support and enhance teaching, research funding and creative activities while enjoying lunch. The 2014-2015 Lunch & Learn schedule and registration is posted on the CFD website. Lunch will be provided at these informal sessions where facilitated discussions encourage open conversation amongst all participants.

January 22,
Diversify your Syllabi
Orlando Archibeque, Auraria Library will support faculty to diversify their syllabi with content from library resources. If you want to infuse and enrich attention to diversity into your class, this session is for you! This session will help you identify diverse content (race, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, age, ability, religion, social class, international) in a variety of formats (monographs, articles, DVDs, streaming video), from a variety of information databases (multidisciplinary, subject-specific, and diverse-content databases).
Lawrence Street Center
745 lunch and learns/Pages/form.aspx
January 26, 2015
The President’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative (PTLC): Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SOTL)
The UC system-wide PTLC program offers professional development to assist faculty in developing inquiry projects on teaching and learning intended as scholarship and for publication. Laura Summers, SEHD, Roxanne Hayes, CLAS and Carey McAndrews, CAP along with the Auraria PTLC librarians will share the work they have done and provide suggestions for supports including how to prepare the best proposal for prospective PTLC applicants.
Lawrence Street Center
600 lunch and learns/Pages/form.aspx
February 10, 2015
RTP Information Session for Faculty Considering Promotion to Full Professor
Provost Nairn and Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Laura Goodwin will host an information and Q & A session for associate professors considering promotion to the rank of full professor.
Lawrence Street Center
360 lunch and learns/Pages/form.aspx
February 18, 2015
Inclusive Pedagogy
Join Brenda J. Allen, Professor of Communication and Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion, in this interactive session. She will share principles, processes, and practices related to developing and implementing inclusive teaching strategies. She will facilitate exercises to help you foster learning environments that respect individual and group difference
and promote engaged, active learning for all students.
Street Center
745 lunch and learns/Pages/form.aspx
February 26, 2015
VCAC and How It Works
The VCAC is the advisory committee to the Provost on all promotion, tenure, and reappointment cases for tenure-track faculty. This session, largely through Q and A, will examine how VCAC operates, how it deliberates, and how it provides recommendations to the Provost.  The VCAC Chair and at least one other current or recent member will conduct the session.
Lawrence Street Center 360 lunch and learns/Pages/form.aspx
March 4,
The Library in your Course: Integration of the Research Process in your Curriculum
Lorrie Evans, Auraria Library will bring library resources, services and people into your course. We all know that research is a process that involves critical thinking and engagement with information over time.  While well intentioned, the term paper assignment can often fall short of providing the learning experience we had hoped for. We will explore the many and varied options you have to incorporate “library research” more intuitively, through services such as the Integrated Course Librarian, embedded IM chat widget, and collaboration with a librarian on research assignments.
Lawrence Street Center
360 lunch and learns/Pages/form.aspx
March 10, 2015
Understand the University’s and your Individual Obligations under Title IX/Sexual Harassment
Join Katherine Goodwin, Jenny Willits and Raul Cardenas for a conversation regarding the recent investigation of UCD by the Office of Civil Rights. In addition, the University’s process for handling sexual harassment complaints will be addressed. Several hypothetical scenarios will be presented for discussion.
Lawrence Street Center
1150 lunch and learns/Pages/form.aspx
March 17, 2015
Portraiture-A Study of Women Redefining Success in Academic Careers
Join Laura Summers, as she shares stories from her qualitative inquiry to learn from women in academic careers who have examined what it means to be successful.  Dr. Summers uses portraiture techniques which focus on what “goodness” individuals have created for themselves within the context of their own challenges.
Lawrence Street Center
360 lunch and learns/Pages/form.aspx
April 7, 2015
EndNote-Citation Management Software
Organizing your references has never been easier. Learn how you can collect and organize references, store article pdf files and write manuscripts in the specific style you need to use.  This hands-on workshop will feature both the EndNote desktop software and online versions.  Don’t wait to make learning “citation management software” a resolution for next year!  We’ll have computers with all the software installed, but if you prefer to bring your own, that works too.
Auraria Library
Jackson Enhanced Learning Center
(ELC) B lunch and learns/Pages/form.aspx