Category: Colleagues
Sean Michael Morris to advise Norwegian university on pedagogical training program
Sean Michael Morris—senior instructor in Learning Design and Technology (LDT) and director of Digital Pedagogy Lab—will advise the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) on a new pedagogy program. The pilot program is aimed at supporting pedagogical competence among faculty at the Trondheim, Gjøvik, and Ålesund campuses in Norway. Sean will advise the program…
Doctoral Students of Color (DSoC) Alumni Lynx Create Scholarship to honor Dean Rebecca Kantor’s Legacy
The Doctoral Students of Color (DSoC) Alumni Lynx created a scholarship to honor and continue Dean Rebecca Kantor’s legacy and true, authentic passion of promoting equity in education and her unconditional support of the DSoC. On the evening of September 15th, at the first DSoC membership meeting the first $1000 scholarship was awarded to Maileen…
Julia Mahfouz interviewed by EducationWeek
The pandemic and social justice protests over the last 18 months were clarion calls that principals desperately need Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), too. Not just to support students and teachers, but for their own well-being and survival. “Knowledge and training in SEL competencies will help principals become better leaders, improve relationships schoolwide, and create…
Welcome Keiko Goldman, Business Services Coordinator
Keiko Goldman is transitioning from her temporary position on the Finance team to a full-time Business Services Coordinator, and this role will be split between Finance and HR functions. She will be supporting our team with HR-related topics, for example forms and recordkeeping, hiring paperwork and onboarding activities, and faculty searches. Keiko moved here from…
Melody Brown and SEHD’s new Couple and Family Therapy Program Featured in CU Denver News
Clinical Assistant Professor Melody Brown, PhD, knows firsthand the importance of intersectionality. This makes her an asset to the School of Education & Human Development, where she teaches in the MA in couple and family therapy (CFT) program. Brown, a licensed marriage and family therapist, uses herself as an example to illustrate what intersectionality means. “I talk…
Welcome Jamie Purevsuren, Business Services Coordinator
We are excited to welcome Jamie Purevsuren to the School of Education & Human Development! As a Business Services Coordinator, Jamie will work closely with Bolormaa (Bogi) Begzsuren in the grants and contracts area of the School. She will perform accounting functions mainly related to grants, gifts and auxiliary services, including reimbursements, accounts payables &…
Congratulations to Our New Assistant Professors – Clinical Teaching Track
Congratulations Drs. Paula Gallegos, Jarrod Hanson and Andrea Laser! This important milestone reflects their commendable teaching talents, practice, and service to SEHD and the university.
Congratulations to Our New ASPIRE Assistant Professors – Clinical Teaching Track
Congratulations to Drs. Jenny Fox and Julia Kantor! This important milestone reflects their commendable teaching talents, practice, and service to SEHD and the university.
EdD in Higher Education student Jesse Perez Featured in The Colorado Springs Business Journal for Receiving DEI Award
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awards: Jesse Perez August 27 – When it comes to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts like this one, Jesse Perez said, falling into the “deficit mindset” is a common problem that ultimately handicaps the work: emphasizing statistics and disparities, focusing on barriers, and using terms like “vulnerable” and “at risk.” Perez…
Remi Kalir to Discuss “Annotation” at Library of Congress Event Thursday 8/26
2021 Library of Congress Innovator in Residence Courtney McClellan, creator of the Speculative Annotation art project, will speak with Dr. Remi Kalir, Dr. Antero Garcia, and Amber Esseiva for the Library of Congress event “Annotation as Artistic Act: Virtual Panel Discussion.” The panel will address annotation as a social, educational, civic, and creative act. Panelists…