Author: Brad Hinson

  • Creative Research Collaborative (CRC)

    CRC Talk | Thursday February 9th | 5-6PM @ inWorks

  • Hiring News

    I am very pleased to announce that Scott Bauer and Anayeli Lopez will be joining the SEHD in August 2017.  Scott will be coming in as Associate Dean for Advanced Education and Doctoral Programs and Anayeli as an Assistant Professor in HDFR.   Congratulations to the Search Committees for 2 successful searches!  Thank you to…

  • RE/FYI: TEACH grant funding from AACTE

    Dear Colleague, My name is Zach VanHouten and I am the Manager for Programs & Advocacy at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). I work with Deborah Koolbeck, who directs AACTE’s government relations work. I am reaching out on Deb’s behalf because there is concern that the TEACH grant funding will be…

  • sehdtech update – 01/25/17 Faculty Meeting

    sehdtech update – 01/25/17 Faculty Meeting

    demos/details coming soon to the sehdimpact sign-up via email =================================== new sehdshare  (ShareFile) – FERPA compliant file sharing in the cloud sehdvideo  (Wistia) – video streaming sehdlabs – Surface Tablets & iPads in LSC classes + virtual labs (coming soon)   coming soon sehdblend  – web site for online/hybrid support/resources sehdlabs  – virtual student…

  • New: Canvas Announcements on the course home page

    Seems like such a small thing, but many many faculty ask for this routinely… Canvas has finally enabled it. You can now have your class announcements automatically appear at the top of your course home page. Log in, open course, click Settings (lower left) Scroll down, click on the more options link (bottom center) Check the…

  • Register: EdCamp Denver is February 4th

    Register: EdCamp Denver is February 4th

    TRANSFORMATIVE TEACHING | INNOVATIVE LEARNING edCamp Denver When Sat, February 4, 8:00am – 12:30pm Where Grant Beacon Middle School, 1751 S Washington St, Denver, CO 80210, USA Edcamp is a free “unconference” committed to reaching educators in public, private, charter, and higher education environments to share innovative instructional strategies and pioneering technologies that transform education for all…

  • GoodRead: Are College Lectures Unfair? (NYTimes)

    GoodRead: Are College Lectures Unfair? (NYTimes)

    DOES the college lecture discriminate? Is it biased against undergraduates who are not white, male and affluent? The notion may seem absurd on its face. The lecture is an old and well-established tradition in education. To most of us, it simply is the way college courses are taught. Even online courses are largely conventional lectures…

  • Digital Pedagogy Lab 2017  Fellowships (Deadline 01/25)Because this is what scholarly, pedagogical work should look like.

    Digital Pedagogy Lab 2017 Fellowships
    (Deadline 01/25)

    Because this is what scholarly, pedagogical work should look like.

    “There are not enough Chicana voices. There are not enough Black voices. There are not enough First Nation voices. There are not enough trans voices. There are not enough women’s voices. There are not enough queer voices.”  ~ Digital Pedagogy Lab  =========================== INSTITUTE INFO:  APPLY by Jan 25th: Join us this Summer at the Digital…

  • FlipGrid – video discussion for your online course

    Flipgrid is an alternative to text-based discussions, it gives students a different way to hone their communication skills and help them find their “voice” on a topic. It creates a space for students to communicate verbally what they have learned… something that’s more difficult to do in a fully-online classroom. Flipgrid just announced one free…

  • Canvas Webinars for Students

    CU Online is hosting four 30 minute webinars for students to get acquainted with Canvas. These webinars will provide a step-by-step overview of the Canvas platform. This would be a great event to mention to your students (especially those students that are new to Canvas). January 17th at 9am and 4pm January 26th at 9:00am…