Author: Brad Hinson
Data Week: Finding the right data
Insights from National Love Your Data Week Courtney (Vidacovich) Donovan, PhD | Senior Research Instructor Faculty Research Center Director ================================ Message of the day: Have a clear question and locate quality data sources. Need to find the right data? In a 2004 Science Daily News article, the National Science Foundation used the phrase “here there…
Congratulations!: Margarita Bianco named Timmerhaus Teaching Ambassador
“During the two-year appointment, CU’s Timmerhaus Teaching Ambassador serves as an advocate for K-12 and higher education, for scholarly approaches to teaching and learning, and for establishing environments that promote access and success from all sectors of the diverse population in Colorado and beyond. The ambassador leads presentations and workshops about education and learning to…
Data Week: Good data
Insights from National Love Your Data Week Courtney (Vidacovich) Donovan, PhD | Senior Research Instructor Faculty Research Center Director ================================ Message of the day: Good data are FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable What makes data good? It has to be readable and well enough documented for others (and a future you) to understand. Data…
Annual Award for Excellence in Faculty Mentoring
University Faculty Mentoring Award Nomination Form (DOC) Purpose Mentoring is an integral part of encouraging faculty vitality and professional growth. Mentoring involves not only professional support, but also personal, and social aspects and includes activities related to teaching, scholarship, service and academic career development. The Annual Award for Excellence in Faculty Mentoring seeks to recognize…
CFD Teaching Enhancement Grants
Purpose Center for Faculty Development (CFD) Teaching Enhancement Grants support projects that seek to develop innovations in teaching or enhance a faculty members pedagogical practice. CFD Teaching Enhancement Grant Application (DOC) Award Size Funding Limit: up to $3,000 Funding Priorities and Supported Expenditures We are hoping to fund projects that: Develop modes of teaching that are learner-centered; or…
Data Week: Documenting, describing, defining
Insights from National Love Your Data Week Courtney (Vidacovich) Donovan, PhD | Senior Research Instructor Faculty Research Center Director ================================ Message of the day: Good documentation tells people they can trust your data by enabling validation, replication, and reuse. Why does having good documentation matter? It contributes to the quality and usefulness of your research…
Auraria Library: Savvy Researcher Workshops
Make your research easier, faster, and better! Savvy Researcher Workshops can help anyone – undergraduates, graduate students, staff, or faculty – understand the different steps and areas of research. From managing data to organizing your citations to promoting your research, we can help you get a firm grasp on how to be a better, and…
Share Feedback on Colorado’s ESSA Plan
Below is information on how to provide feedback on draft state ESSA plan. Public comment opens today and closes on Friday, March 10, 2017. ================================== To: ESSA State Plan Stakeholders From: Patrick Chapman, Executive Director, Federal Programs Unit. Date: February 10, 2017 Re: Notice Inviting Public Comment –The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Colorado State…
Phil Strain presents at the US Office of Special Education Symposium
On February 8th Phil Strain presented an overview of the Pyramid Equity Project as part of the US Office of Special Education Symposium: Significant Disproportionality: Why The Topic Is Important To All Of Us. Some 500 leaders from every state participated.
Diversity Committee Minutes 02/06/17
Diversity Committee Minutes 020617 (DOC)