Annual Conflict of Interest and Commitment (COIC) Disclosures for FY15 are due by October 31, 2015.
To complete COI Disclosure, click here.
Individuals who have not completed the COIC Disclosures by this date may be subject to the following penalties:
1. Cannot submit for PHS or NSF funding opportunities.
2. Termination of the activity that creates the conflict of interest, including inability to draw funds from grant and contract speed types or participate in IRB protocols.
3. Funds drawn from a federally funded grant may need to be returned.
4. Divestiture of significant financial interests.
5. Deactivation of employee’s badge access to parking and labs.
6. Disciplinary action against the employee up to and including termination.
7. In the case of violation of criminal or civil law, violation may be subject to civil or criminal penalties.
8. Reporting to applicable federal agencies.
CU Denver is required by federal and state regulations to take these actions for individuals
who have not submitted their annual COI Disclosure.