Margarita Bianco will Give Keynote at the CDE’s Equity and Excellence Conference on 10/24/19
More about the conference:
The Federal Programs and Exceptional Student Services Units, in collaboration with the Office of Turnaround at the Colorado Department of Education will be hosting the fourth annual Equity & Excellence Conference on October 24-25 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Denver, Colorado. The theme of this year’s conference is strengthening historically underserved students’ opportunities through effective programs and practices. The goal of the conference is to provide district and school leaders the opportunity to deeply explore and learn about evidence-based practices in a collaborative setting, and walk away inspired to advance equity.
CDE encourages districts to assemble teams that represent LEA and school levels, and involve staff who manage or implement ESEA and IDEA initiatives. Teams should be no more than 4 people.
Who: District teams, including LEA and School Building Leaders, Federal Programs Directors, Special Education Directors
What: Opportunity for educators to learn, collaborate and grow
When: October 24th & 25th, 2019
Where: DoubleTree by Hilton, 3203 Quebec St. Denver, CO 80207
The 2019 Equity and Excellence Conference purpose is to strengthen historically underserved students’ opportunities through effective programs and practices. Speakers and breakout presenters will include school and district leaders with a developing or demonstrated record of effectiveness. The goal of the conference is to provide district and school leaders the opportunity to deeply explore and learn about evidence-based practices in a collaborative setting, and walk away equipped to advance equity.