Dr Diane Estrada, esteemed colleague and beautiful soul, is providing an educational opportunity- Honoring All Of US: Decolonizing the Supervisory Relationship on Fri, March 21, 2025 from 12-1pm via Zoom. This event is hosted by the Denver Community of Emotionally Focused Therapy.
This presentation is beneficial to both supervisors and supervisees!
Fee: $75 for non-EFT dues paying folks. $25 for students/equity
Presentation abstract:
The supervisory relationship has the power to construct meaningful experiences in the journey to decolonizing the couple and family therapy field. In order to decolonize our clinical practices, we must engage in rooted conversations about the impact of colonization on ourselves. The aim of this presentation is to illustrate ways to fully integrate our intersectional identities/social locations to enrich and decolonize the supervisory relationship.
Presentation learning objectives
Participants will learn to:
- 1. Identify the barriers and strengths of engaging all parts of the supervisor and supervisee’s intersectional identities
- 2. Apply tools to create more courageous and honoring spaces in the supervisory relationship
- 3. Demystify the relational process of engaging in decolonizing work.
Click HERE to watch a short 4 minute video on what to expect from in the workshop.