FAMLI, FML and Parental Leave Trainings offered by Employee Services in Fall 2024

Dear colleagues, as you may know, our leave benefits at CU have been through a process change recently. The Employee Services Leave Team is hosting a series of optional training sessions in fall 2024 to help you understand the new benefits and the related process.  

Information including on-demand courses, qualifying condition details, employee eligibility, steps to apply, and more is available to you here: Famli-fml-and-parental-leave  

Each session will be structured directly for the intended audience. If you would like to understand the program from multiple perspectives (for example, as an employee who may need to take such a leave of absence and as a supervisor responsible for reviewing the requests of your direct reports), please register for each session type that interests you.  

Click on the desired date below to register for a session. 

Employee sessions 

These sessions will focus on three of the university’s main leave programs: FMLA, FAMLI and Parental Leave. Employees are encouraged to join an upcoming session to learn about these programs and how they relate to their role at CU. 

Aug. 13 — 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 

Nov. 12 — 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 

Supervisor sessions 

These sessions will focus on three of the university’s main leave programs: FMLA, FAMLI and Parental Leave. Supervisors are encouraged to join an upcoming session to learn about these programs and how they relate to their role at CU. 

Sept. 24 — 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 

Dec. 10  — 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 

Questions? Please reach out to sehdhr@ucdenver.edu or to leave@cu.edu (the leave team has asked that we please put “Denver” in the subject line so they can keep their emails organized)