Faculty Candidate Presentation, Tenure Track, Research and Evaluation Methods – Dr. Courtney Donovan (Thursday, August 1st 2:00pm)

A Methodologist’s Research Journey

Thursday, August 1, 2024

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Presentation and Q & A

Location: Zoom – https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/91439386312


Faculty, staff, students, alumni and 

members of the public welcome! 


Presented by Dr. Courtney Donovan, candidate for Assistant Professor, Tenure Track for Research and Evaluation Methods (REM)

Description: This presentation will share the research agenda of Courtney Donovan including highlighting her measurement expertise, methodologist collaborations, focus on STEM Education and research on teaching REM, and evaluation experiences.


A brief bio for Dr. Courtney Donovan: 

Courtney Donovan is an Associate Teaching Professor at CU Denver where she teaches graduate level research methods, qualitative analysis, statistical modeling, and measurement techniques.  She is also the Director of the School of Education and Human Development’s Faculty Research Center where she aids, consults with, and promotes faculty’s research. Courtney’s research interests include working in the “research to practice” gap in education, developing & validating measures in social sciences, and statistical modeling with datasets encouraging educational and societal change.

Courtney’s CV can be found here. Please note that certain personal information has been redacted.


Please log on to Zoom (https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/91439386312) a few minutes prior to the presentation as we will start promptly.  

Please share your feedback by Monday, August 5th using this short survey link: https://ucdenverdata.formstack.com/forms/candidate_feedback_form