Student Committee Minutes (05/06/24)

SEHD Student Committee

Meeting Minutes


Members: Caron Westland, Joshua Martin, Jennifer Camacho Taylor, Sofia Chaparro, Jim Christensen, Ron Tzur, Elena Sandoval-Lucero


  1. Scholarship Application
    1. Discussion of this year’s process and future application questions
    2. The committee would prefer if there were some criteria to help with evaluation. Is it based on hardship? Is it based on creativity? A lottery would be more fair and save everyone time and effort.
    3. Recommendation for question change
      1. Current Question – You have been asked to create something that represents YOU. It can be a piece of art, a craft project, a structure, a food dish, or other imaginative work. What would you produce and why? Please describe how your finished product, including the supplies or ingredients you use, demonstrates elements of your personality and values.
      2. Future Question – How has your lived experience led you to choose your field and plan for the future?
    4. Update/Feedback on Infographic (Josh Martin)
      1. Needs a few more edits before we share with program leaders.
        1. Next steps
        2. Include optional syllabus statement to program leaders and wait for infographic release? Caron will send it out today.
      2. Outstanding Graduates/Graduation
        1. Certificates will be available for pick up on the 7th floor at the reception desk. Any certificates that are not picked up by Friday, Sofia will mail to the students after graduation.
        2. The cords will also be available for pick up on the 7th floor reception desk. Any that are not picked up by Friday, Elena will take to graduation and have them available at the student check-in table.
      3. Full discussion about student feedback (per our last meeting)
        1. Shed light and offer resources in small, but meaningful ways (i.e., suggest a syllabus statement on feedback.
        2. We will release the syllabus statement on feedback now, and discuss additional options next year.
      4. Agenda Items for Next Year?
        1. Beyond expanding the charge of the student committee, which would take a change in the by-laws, our options to continue our focus on improving student feedback are:
          1. Recommend survey question revisions to the office of assessment.
          2. Recommend FCQ revisions. The SEHD can add up to 5 additional questions.
          3. Create opportunities for IRC faculty who are not full-time to have professional development about feedback.
          4. Shed light and offer resources in small, but meaningful ways (i.e., suggest a syllabus statement on feedback.
        2. The committee members who are continuing will reflect on these options and make a decision after discussion with new committee members next academic year.