DEI Committee 2023-2024 AY
Committee members: Paula Gallegos (2021-2024), Robin Brandehoff (2021-2024), Dane Stickney (2021-2024), Amy Ferrell (2023-2026), Chélynn Randolph (2023-2026), Tom “YiLe” Su (2023-2026), Renée Wilkins-Clark (2023-2026), Chaya Abrams (2022-2025)
October 2nd, 2023 9:30-11:30am
Running Agenda for October 2nd:
9:30-10:00 – Welcome new members and elect new chair and recorder
- Co-Chairs: Chaya and Paula
- Recorder: Amy
Notes from meeting on 02 October 2023:
- Goals from last year: talking about having a representative from each program, balance in the group, ideas about being more inclusive of staff members
- Discussed schedule for DEI meetings 2023-2024 (refer to calendar for SEHD sent out by JaNet- first Monday in October, November, December, February, March, April, May 0930-1130)
10:00-10:20 – Orientation with Dean Lynn
- Discussed:
- Inclusion of students of color and other underrepresented groups
- Central goal: decreasing dissonance between what we say and what we do, and how to embed these values into our every day practices
- Creating opportunities for people in the SEHD to eliminate White Supremacy
- How to make the mission and vision more bold around DEI issues, but how to do that in a manner that is approachable for all (e.g. work with choice of language and meet with people who had concerns around this)
- Talked about what support is needed from administration, maybe meeting with different programs
- Robin and Dean Lynn will work on wording for Strategic Planning
- Potential Partnerships:
- Faculty of color support
- DEI partner with curriculum committee
- Partner with Antwan’s office
- Doc students of color focus, give their voice
- Connect with alumni
10:20-11:30 – Additional Discussions
- Discussion about partnering with other committees
- Talked about how to share data from student focus groups with faculty and others with sensitivity, talked about ideas for disseminating data, issues of inclusivity of staff (reviewing info, etc.), collaborating with faculty/students campus-wide or at other universities (Antwan’s office)
- Reactions to Dean’s orientation: things we want to work on (Tom: more consideration of faculty of color in student FCQ’s, potentially adding questions to FCQ)
- Reaching out to Antwan and inviting him to our next meeting (sharing the Dean’s orientation with him)
- Ideas about programs adding questions (work with program leads to look at data and share with teams), engaging once per semester with creative groups