Feb 28 Nomination Deadline for Two New Faculty Awards

In collaboration with Vice Chancellor Antonio Farias, the Institutional Equity Advocacy Council members and the Ad Hoc Appreciation and Celebration Committee, I am delighted to alert you to two new awards created to recognize faculty or staff who have contributed to making CU Denver more just, safe and inclusive.

Here are the criteria (as listed in the attachments):

  • engaging our campus community to share responsibility for creating and sustaining a just, safe, and inclusive campus;
  • improving our systems to actively support minoritized people and historically marginalized identities in order to reduce bias and create and sustain equity; or,
  • redefining success through a lens of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion to unlock the potential for everyone to succeed.

Would you please share these opportunities widely and inform worthy individuals?  Nomination deadline is Feb 28.

Click here to access the nomination forms and checklists on the Faculty Affairs website