Fall Course Preparation & Technology




As announced in our Spring SEHD retreat and in support of digital equity, Ally will be activated in all SEHD Canvas shells for the Fall term. Ally integrates with Canvas to automatically provide feedback to instructors about course content with respect to students with disabilities. Ally produces a course accessibility report to guide instructors on addressing issues – so that SEHD courses are accessible and equitable for all. The LDT Student Agency is here to help…  if you need assistance adapting your course materials so they are ADA compliant, please contact us at sehdhelp@ucdenver.edu.


Panopto is the replacement for Knowmia, essentially providing the same interactive-video capabilities and Canvas integrations.  Panopto will go live in the Fall, with all Knowmia content transferred to Panopto.  Panopto is offering some walk-throughs and trainings (via Zoom) on the following days.  Likewise, the LDT Student Agency will be offering guidance and training opportunities as we embark on the Fall term.