Digital Teaching & Learning Committee 10/21

Attending: Jarrod Hanson, Chris Carson, Courtney Donovan, Lisa Forbes, Diane Hegeman, Chris Garcia, Lori Ryan, Alan Davis, Sean Morris, Brad Hinson

Committee breakout groups (45min) focused on respective goals and initiatives this year. Committee regroup and open discussion on each interest area (45min). Ultimately, identifying one deliverable from each area.

Hybrid Pedagogy (Sean, Brad, Chris G. Diane H., Lori R.) This team plans to facilitate a Hybrid Pedagogy Community of Practice (CoP) in the Spring with intentions of discovery as well as documentation of effective praxis. The group will ask for nominations from each SEHD program with intentions toward IRC faculty and a diverse demographic. The CoP will operate much as a think-tank, contemplating and documenting hybrid pedagogy in the SEHD. This will be sponsored by the Digital Pedagogy Lab (DPL) who will provision small stipends for all participants. Deliverable: Toolbox / Case Studies for SEHD Hybrid Pedagogies

The Rebecca Kantor Digital Atelier (Lori R., Brad, Chris) Time and budget are short; so the team has agreed to shift from 1150 to 1100, which is more technologically advanced. Brad & Theo will focus on technical upgrades to heighten usability and capability of the space. Lori R. and the Boulder Journey faculty will focus on the atmosphere of the space to be Reggio Emilia inspired. JaNet is joining our efforts as well. Ideally, the space will be both digital and tactile – facilitating and inspiring multimodal teaching and learning experiences. Deliverable: Expanded / enhanced hybrid classroom model.

Research (Courtney, Alan, Rachel) Will request a data report of all courses/modalities/etc. of all SEHD courses to include Summer 21, Fall 21, and Spring 22. Analyzing and summarizing data will inform possible, further survey instruments. Deliverable: Synthesized and summarized snapshot of SEHD teaching modalities.

Creative/Innovation Merit (Jarrod, Lisa) RTP/Merit processes reside at the School level and changes could be explored; however, the institution is reviewing potential changes to this process now. Recommend we wait to see what changes emerge at the higher level. In the meantime, we will explore mechanisms of reward and recognition for creativity and innovation. This could be fiscal reward or course release or something – unsure at this time. Question remains – how do we quantify creativity and innovation so that they count?

Ideally, Creativity would be another component of the faculty job description, i.e. Service, Research, Teaching, and Creativity. Planning conversations with ThinqStudio and others to explore further. Deliverable: Connect with external parties to discover and discuss further – how do we quantify creativity and innovation so that they count in the merit process?