Steps to take if you are impacted by Unemployment Fraud

Dear Faculty and Staff: 

Hopefully you’ve seen the CU System email from Kathy Nesbitt (click here to review itregarding fraudulent unemployment claims. The University does not file claims on employee’s behalf so if you have not filed but receive paperwork from the Colorado Unemployment office, there are steps you need to take to protect your identity. 

If you have been affected, please let us know. ( Campus HR has to investigate every claim and we can decrease their workload by reporting known fraudulent claims. 

You will need to report the fraudulent claim to the CDLE directly.  You can report the fraud claim online now instead of having to wait on hold on the phone: 

If you have received a bank debit card and have not already canceled the issued card, you should reach out to the bank to cancel the card. 

We also recommend contacting your local police to file a report of identity theft, as well as contacting the 3 credit reporting agencies to report the possible fraud/freeze your credit:  


Here is a copy of the email from Kathy Nesbitt of the CU System office: